Monday, May 12, 2008

Book Nerd

My blog will elicit many yawns, unless you really love reading and books. Then you'll understand, you' ll "get it". If you 're a book nerd like me, if you feel there's nothing better than to read a book, then we share this passion; I hope you' ll subscribe to this blog, or at least "visit" often.

I've been so happy that the days have been cool and gray lately, because that's perfect reading weather. (Of course, when it's sunny you can go out with a cap and sunglasses and enjoy some sun and prose at the same time.)

Today I went to the bookstore (my candy store) and found a great little reading light which clips onto your book for help with night reading. I can't wait to try it! I also bought a book for a friend, and a classic book for myself, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I read it in high school and intend to read it again, as soon as I finish a couple of other books.


  1. How do I subscribe to your blog?

  2. Eriko! Thanks for commenting. If you scroll down it should say "subscribe to posts" and you'd click on that. :)

  3. I voted in the poll. Republicans currently outnumber Democrats 2-1, how is this possible?


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