Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Envelope, please

Just when I thought life was pretty darn good, it got even better! Within the past month, I've received three awards from other bloggers. From Laura of Laura's Reviews I got a second Lovely Blog Award, from LuAnn of Reading Frenzy I received a Humane Award, and Cathy of One eyed stuffed bunny and. . . gave me a Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you all very much. You have wonderful, unique blogs, and were gracious to give me these awards. I am honored to display them on my blog.

For the Kreativ Award, I'm supposed to list seven of my favourite things. (I'm using this spelling of favourite because it makes me sound more sophisticated--please read this post with a lovely English accent.) Only seven things? That's really hard for me to do. How can I limit myself to seven? But I'll be a sport and give it a try.

These are (a few of) my favourite things:

1) Family and friends
2) Food, glorious food
3) Reading and writing
4) Nature (includes animals, flowers and trees, the ocean, sunsets, mountains, storms)
5) Exhilarating surprises (that's on everyone's list, right?)
6) Peace of mind
7) Everything else I love

Okay, so I didn't exactly limit myself to seven things, and some of the things aren't even things.
This is all in fun, anyway. Thanks again to Laura, LuAnn, and Cathy, for your kindness, support, and awards.


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