Friday, July 17, 2009

Free Zombies

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
~First sentence of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, 1813

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains."
~First sentence of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, 2009

Austen is in the air. Stephanie's Written Word is hosting an Everything Austen Challenge, Laura's Reviews talks about Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, and the bookworm has been hooked by Austen as well. I've jumped on the bandwagon. I have one new copy of the Quirk Classics NY Times best seller Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith to give away. The story follows the plot of Pride and Prejudice, but takes place in an alternative universe version of 19th century England, where zombies traipse the countryside. This parody of Austen's most popular novel about heroine Elizabeth Bennet has been purchased by a major film company and will be made into a movie.

To enter this contest, leave a comment after this blog post by 5 PM PDT on Thursday, July 30. If you also mention this giveaway on your own blog, you'll have an extra chance of winning the book. I'll put all commenters' names "in a hat" and select one randomly. The winner will be announced on Friday, July 31.

Good luck!


  1. I'd love to enter! I haven't had a chance to read this book yet, but it sounds great.


  2. This book fascinates and scares me. I have left a comment on your contest in the Seekerville Weekend Edition.

    Would love to read it

    tina at tina russo dot com

  3. I'd love to win this book! P&P is my favorite Austen story and I'd totally like to see what this humorous take is like! I'm posting a link on my blog right now!


  4. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks! pattie (at)

  5. I also put this on my blog at as I'm also in the Everything Austen challenge.

  6. I can't quite bring myself to buy this book (yet), but I'm interested in spite of myself... more out curiosity than anything!

  7. I'm no fool. Also mentioning the book on my Austen Challenge Blog!!!~

    Tina --again

  8. oops...

  9. How funny! The cover alone is worth getting a hold of that book.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. My e-mail address is

  10. Oh, please enter me--this one looks really, really interesting! Thanks!


  11. How enticing!! How scary!! I would be interested in winning a copy. choochoo(at)gmail(dot)net

  12. It's being made into a movie? Will it be scary? Or hilarious?

  13. cool contest! and thanks for mentioning my blog :O)
    i'll be blogging about this post.

  14. Well, I must admit I'm curious...please enter me in the contest, and I'll go mention the contest on my

  15. I came from Naida's. I'm not sure if I'm eligible to enter but I'd love to give it a shot, just in case I can participate. I'm an international participant. :D

  16. Well, I'm doing the austen chllenge and I now naida liks this book. I will mention it on my blog
    Good luck to all

  17. I'd love to win this book! One of my reading groups is reading this little gem this month, but I could never get it from the library!!!

  18. Thank-you for the mention! Please enter me in the contest . . . the book I read was a library copy and I would love one of my own to reread! I mentioned this on my blog . . .


  19. Oh hey. I'm giving away a copy of this book on my blog as well ( I'll try to send some of my entrants over to your contest when I announce my winner. Take care!

  20. I would like this parody!

    Do count me in!


  21. BTW, I am adding you to my google reader!

  22. I've been wanting to read this. I'm not sure why, but it is such a nutty premise that I think I need to. Great giveaway!


  23. wow! COunt me in please! I have added this on my sidebar :)
    Come by and see for yourself :)

    Thank you for being so generous!

  24. I am dying to read this book. Please do enter me.

    elizascott2005 at yahoo dot co dot in

    Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  25. Ooh I would love to win this book! Please count me in!

  26. Like you I have also jumped on the band wagon for Everything Austen Challenge and as this is one of my reading books,in which I have not purchase it yet,I would love to win a copy of this...I will be leaving a comment on my stop by and see it..thanks again..

  27. Please enter me. I am dying to read this book.

  28. Thanks Susan for giving the tip! Please enter me in the contest!Interesting concept for a twist on a classic story!

  29. I cant make up my mind on this - I want to read it.... but it I am not sure.... but I want to...

    Yeah... I want to.

    Count me in please :)

  30. I just saw this book at Borders and almost bought it. I would love to win...Please enter me. Thanks.


  31. Everywhere I go I am seeing this book lately. I love Jane Austen. I love zombies. Match made in...? Please enter me.

  32. Interesting combination of sorts -- duality or complimentary... that is the question. I'll cross my fingers and hope I win so I can determine the answer for myself.

  33. i am on an austen kick and I joined the Austen challenge. I hopped over from the bookworm for the giveaway. You've got a great blog.

    thanks for the giveaway.

    savvyverseandwit AT gmail DOT com

  34. I'm really curious how they've added zombies to one of my favourite classics. I'm not sure if your giveaway is open internationally but if it is, I'd love to have my name in the hat for a chance to win it. Thanks.
    tanabata2000 at gmail dot com

  35. I'd be definitely interested in reading this! Please count me in!!
    thanks for the giveaway

    pratima DOT jayaram AT gmail DOT com

  36. Contest open until 5 PM PDT on July 30. Remember to check back on July 31 to see if you've won!


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If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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