Thursday, April 29, 2010

Party Girl

Ah, let's go to the hop
Let's go to the hop (oh baby)
Let's go to the hop (oh baby)
Let's go to the hop
Come on, let's go to the hop

Just call me a party girl! Even though it's still Thursday, I wanted to start the party early. Hosted by Jennifer from Crazy-for-Books, the Book Blogger Hop is a great way to learn about new blogs and meet new friends. And who can resist this adorable button? Hop over to Crazy- for-Books to join the fun!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's a lot of fun, but I don't blog as much as I would like to.

  2. Beverly, this is my first hop post, and you are the first person to hop over here! Thanks!

  3. Hopping back! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your quote from The Little Prince.

  4. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is great, I'm now following :D

  5. Thank you all for the comments. I knew it was time to get my nose out of a book--and party! :D

  6. i love blog hop it's so much fun to look for new great blogs. btw thanks for stopping by mine.8) i'm a follower now

  7. Returning the hop. thanks for stoppping by. Your blog looks interesting.

  8. Love your blog site.
    Kelly Bookend Diaries

  9. Thanks for stopping by. I like your blog too.

  10. Your blog is very cool, thanks for stopping by mine!

  11. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. This is a fun meme!

  12. Hi Suko, thanks for passing by Bookventures. I love your blog!!! Am already looking to enter your giveaway. Hope you have a great weekend. P.S am your newest follower : )

  13. I am a new follower of your blog via the blog hop. Puss Reboots.

  14. Hello! Thanks so much for hopping by my blog! I love your site - I'm following now and looking forward to your posts! Have a great weekend and happy hopping!

  15. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog! Love what you have done for yours. Will definitly be dropping by often.

  16. This is certainly a fun and ingenious meme! I will participate in it again. Thank you all for the terrific comments!

  17. Thanks for stopping by from the hop and following me. I thought I would return the favor and read your review on "The Girls from Ames". This is a book that I must read this summer as it evoked some sad memories from my own girl get--togethers.


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