Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Really Random Tuesday

Pictured are the reading glasses (and the matching case!) I won from Reading Glasses Shopper on Natalie's lovely blog, The Book Inn. Thank you very much, Reading Glasses Shopper and Natalie! They arrived quickly and are very cute.

Author Daniel A. Rabuzzi asked me to let my readers know that his book, The Choir Boats, illustrated by his wife Deborah A. Mills, published in 2009, is featured as Wowio's July Book of the Month. During July 2010 only, a free e-book version of The Choir Boats is available. While I don't usually read this genre, YA fantasy, the book sounds captivating, and I peeked at some of the wonderful illustrations.

What does this Really Random Tuesday post need to be complete? How about a few writer quotes from Random Quotations?

"Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others."
~Virginia Woolf

"Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then, Life is dull without it."

~Pearl S. Buck

"The woman whose behavior indicates that she will make a scene if she is told the truth asks to be deceived."
~Elizabeth Jenkins


  1. Nice Random Day post. I really like the eyeglass case and the glasses to match. And I always like reading random quotes, I have a blog about quotes and things, you can find it here: http://annsquotesandthings.blogspot.com/ Come by for a visit, and enjoy a few quotes and things, sometime.


  2. Loved this post!! I think your reading glasses are beautiful and the cute case that matches is so, so cool! I am also psyched that I can get a copy of The Choir Boats for free this month! Thanks so much for providing that link! And lastly, your quotes are wonderful, especially the last one. I hope you are having a great Tuesday and that the rest of your week is wonderful as well!

  3. Your new reading glasses are adorable!

  4. Thanks for letting us know about the ebook. Well done on winning the glasses too.

  5. Ann, thanks for the link to your quotations blog. I stopped by and it's a wonderful site! Many of the quotes are really funny.

    Zibilee, thanks. Your Mary Sutter review is excellent.

    Kathy, thanks. I am using my new glasses now to help me see the computer. 8)

    Vivienne, I hope you will "check out" the e-book.

    Thanks for all the comments. More welcomed!

  6. Those are adorable Susan. I won some sunglass readers a few months back and like them a lot! Enjoy!

  7. Diane, I don't mind wearing "granny glasses" when they are so cute! 8)

  8. WoW! I LOVE those glasses!! Love the design and the case. Now you'll have to take a pic of you WEARING them :)

  9. Natalie, RGS requested a picture of me wearing the reading glasses for their Facebook page. I will ask my daughter to take one. Thanks again, Natalie. You host the best giveaways!

  10. Great random post! Love the glasses, and the quotes are terrific.

  11. I love your quotes, especially the last! How true!

    I'm constantly in need of 'cheaters' (reading glasses over my contacts). It's gotten to the point where if I know I have serious reading to do? I'll just take out my contacts altogether. The problem is, then I can't see far! Ah, the trials of being almost 50. ;)

  12. I also really like the last of the quotes-

  13. ds, thanks! I'm enjoying the glasses.

    Bellezza, I wear contacts, too, and use the reading glasses as cheaters also. I never heard that term before. Hopefully, the glasses will help reduce my embarrassing typos!

    Mel, there are a lot of really incisive quotes online.

    Thanks for your visits!

  14. Those are really pretty glasses! Wow! And I am sure I will download this book as well, thank you for the link Suko!

  15. Thank you, Veens! What an adorable baby!

  16. The book cover for The Choir Boats is gorgeous!

  17. I like those glasses Suko!
    And great quotes. The Choir Boats Sounds very good.


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