Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, please feel free to copy the button, use it on your own blog, link back to me, and let me know.

I noticed a "wordle" my daughter had printed out for her friend, so I went on and had some fun creating. You can randomize--or customize--any set of words to your heart's content. In fact, there are almost too many choices, and it's easy to get carried away, and spend a lot of time on wordle. This is one I came up with.

I'm not posting a video today, but I do have a terrific quote (although of course women are readers as well):
“‘Tis the good reader that makes the good book; in every book he finds passages which seem confidences or asides hidden from all else and unmistakenly meant for his ear; the profit of books is according to the sensibility of the reader; the profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine, until it is discovered by an equal mind and heart.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson (Society and Solitude, 1870)
Please be sure to visit the excellent Really Random Tuesday posts on Veen's blog, Giving Reading a Chance and Naida's blog, the bookworm. Veens actually posted before me--India is a day ahead!