Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Really Random Tuesday #8: Bedside Books and a New Button

I should be reading. I should be writing reviews. Instead, I'm writing another Really Random Tuesday post. I wasn't intending to do this meme today; I opt to do it on random Tuesdays. But I changed my mind after reading the RRT posts on the following book blogs, which originate from India, the U.S.A., and England, respectively:

Giving Reading a Chance!!!

the bookworm


You're Next!
(My makeshift "Ms. Linky"!)

Be sure to stop by these blogs for some really terrific Tuesday posts!


This is the low bookcase by my bed. It used to be neat, like the photo below. I'm not really sure what happened!

These are the books by my husband's side of the bed. We have some built-in shelves and many bookcases, but books seem to gather near the bed of their own volition.

This is my daughter's night table, piled with books. She's quite an avid reader and has recently ventured into the world of book blogging, as I've mentioned before, with a blog called Chapters. Please stop by when you have a moment.


For those of you who wish to adorn your Really Random Tuesday posts with "artwork", here's a new button I created on Wordle. (Believe it or not, I don't have Photoshop!)

Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy a button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating. Thanks!


  1. I love your Really Random Tuesday meme and I will definitely be joining in regularly. It gives me a place to put all the odds and ends that don't fit anywhere else.

    I love the book shelf pics. Mine look very similar. I am going to have a peek at your daughter's blog. I would love it if my girls did one too, but they are not avid readers.

  2. Thank you, Vivienne! It was a wonderful surprise this morning to see your post. I'll often announce book giveaway winners on Tuesdays, I think, along with book-related odds and ends.

  3. U know I actually looked at our bookshelves this afternoon and wondered how they got so outta control and untidy.
    Just not enough space! :)


  4. All of your bookshelves look perfectly normal to me...LOL Seriously, it is so easy to get out of control with our books. I just got rid of about 100 books I would never now read, and it felt really liberating. I still have about 600 everywhere:)

  5. Ha! Love the pics. They look really familiar ;-)I haven't been able to see surfaces due to books for ages now!

  6. Your bookshelf looks like one being put to very good!

    My post today (Wednesday here) is also really random!


  7. Wow ! Looks good tho! My bedroom would be that way too if my husband let me. Hahahah
    Natalie :0)

  8. Would you believe that I just reorganized my books--and there are still piles on the floor? I give up. They're taking over!

  9. It is the same here... I have do not have many books, but i do not have space for the ones that I have :)

    Your daughter writes a great blog, it would be so great to share books with our kids :)

    Thank You for linking my posts too! Off to check other posts as well
    Hope you have a great week ahead!

  10. Ha Ha! Mine used to look like that until i finally got shelfs.

  11. Your bedside looks much like mine. I don't know how they go from neat to huge stacks so quickly. How did I miss your daughter's blog? What's the url?

  12. Someday I'd love to have room of huge bookshelves. But I have to get to a place where I won't be moving anymore.
    Alison Can Read

  13. Thanks very much for all the comments!

    I changed the link color for Chapters so now it's easily visible.

  14. I love the idea of Random Tuesdays!! :)

    Thoroughly enjoyed this post! God, almost all of you in the family are avid readers. All your bookshelves are crammed. :) Loved it!

    In my family, I'm the only one who reads avidly, apart from a cousin who reads every now and then. Would love to have someone for company!!

  15. Hi

    My bedside tables turn the same way too. My husband is not a big reader so he keeps things in perspective by reminding me to clean it regularly :)

  16. I don't know how the books get so out of control. I try to keep mine organized, but before you know it the little piles are piling up. Now I have to go organize some more books. hehehe

  17. The stacks in your house look a lot like mine, so now I feel a bit better. I am just out of control when it comes to the books, and have things stacked up everywhere!

  18. My books get out of control like that too, and I SWEAR I have no idea of this happen...
    How fun is it that your daughter is blogging too? I'll have to take a look at her blog! :)

  19. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who does this. Lots of good company.

  20. You don't know what happened to your shelves - books is what happened. We are in desperate need of more shelves as well, if only we had a bigger house ..... with its own library. Thanks for those links, I'll be sure to visit.

  21. Your photos give a whole new meaning to "on the nightstand" which people often use to indicate what they're read next. How do you choose?! (It's not a bad problem to have. ;)

  22. Oh yea! My nightstand is not the only one that's been completely taken over by books! Wouldn't be so bad if that was the only place we have books, would it?

  23. Love those pictures of your bookshelves! Now, I don't feel so bad about mine. LOL

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Wanted to return the favor. Love the idea of Random Tuesdays. I'm learning so much from checking out other blogs. Your book shelves remind me of mine. I have shelves that are full and plenty of books stacked here and there.


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