Friday, April 29, 2011

The Friday 56: Mom

I haven't done The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, in quite a long time.

Here are the rules:
  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Select a sentence or two to post.
  • No linky this week, so just leave a comment or link on the host's blog.

I chose to highlight a few lines from the book Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, introduced and edited by Dave Isay. When I received this book from TLC, I had no idea what StoryCorps was all about.

In the book's introduction, I learned that StoryCorps began in 2003 in Grand Central Terminal in NYC. StoryCorps has conducted nearly 30,000 interviews with more than 50,000 people across the United States. It's a collection of diverse voices who interview each other and tell their individual stories. I realized that I have another StoryCorps book on my shelf, not yet read, Listening Is An Act Of Love. Without further ado, here is my "56" from Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps:

: I wasn't your shadow anymore. That was the beginning of my independence.

: Hallelujah!

Please stay tuned for my review of this book, which will include a giveaway.


  1. What a great precursor to a week from Sunday!

  2. I have never seen this meme before. Have a fun-filled week-end.

  3. Sounds like an interesting book.Love your bookmark,btw.

  4. Glad to see you in this meme again. This book sounds good.

  5. I love that word, hallelujah!

    Thanks for participating!

  6. Thank you, ladies! I had fun doing this meme again.

  7. Grea meme. Sorry I missed you on the blog yesterday. Thanks for supporting my giveaway. You are a gem!

  8. I love this idea! The book sounds interesting, and I can't wait to see your full review of it! Have a Happy Saturday, Suko!

  9. The book does sound good. Looking forward to your review. Enjoy your weekend :)

  10. Love this snippet... getting one's independence can never go wrong. Can it?

  11. Perfect read for Mother's day coming up!!

  12. Very timely pick! And I have that book (Listening Is An Act of Love) sitting on my shelves too! I need to get to it. So many books and so little time!

  13. That snippet is interesting! If it's anything to go by, the book should be very interesting! :)


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