Friday, May 13, 2011

A Favorite Meme: The Book Blogger Hop

Hosted by Jennifer from Crazy-for-Books, this brilliant BOOK PARTY lasts from May 13 until May 16. The Book Blogger Hop is one of my favorite memes because it's such a fun way for book bloggers to socialize, connect with other book lovers, and discover new book blogs. If you'd like me to hop by your blog, please leave a comment.

Each week, Jennifer poses a different question for book bloggers. (Last week I went a bit crazy with the question, even though I didn't officially participate in the Hop. Please forgive me, Jennifer!) This week, she asks: Are you going to Book Expo America (BEA) and/or the Book Blogger Convention (BBC) this year?

I wish I could, but I am going to neither. I will miss all the books, all the book people, all the fun. I do visit NYC regularly because I have family there, but I will not be going this month. However, I look forward to reading posts about the BEA and the BBC.

As many of you know, yesterday Blogger was not working properly for part of the day. Today Blogger is back to normal, although all the comments on my last post have disappeared.

Update, May 24: The comments which were lost have reappeared!


  1. Thanks for the reminder about Book Blogger Hop. I joined once and will do so again!

  2. good to be back.
    Here in the UK we got it back around 5pm today.

    I am just catching up with everyone.
    have a good weekend


  3. Wow, I've never been to either of those cons. It does sound like quite fun. Maybe I'll travel down to the states one day and check it out. I hope you can go next year!

    Have a great weekend and take care. :]

  4. Happy Friday Suko. I've never gone to either event, but hope to one day.

  5. I would love to go to this event but I can't :(

    Happy Weekend, Suko!

  6. That was upsetting about how the blogger didn't work. So glad it is back. My sister lost posts too.

    I am excited to find out about these events. I never knew about either of them...which one is more fun? :) Cost??


  7. It would be so fun to go! I wish I lived closer to NYC for occasions like this, but alas, Chicago is too far away especially as I wrap up the school year.

  8. Hopping over to say hello and Happy Friday. Too bad you will miss the BEA. It will be my first time going. Have a great weekend.

    Visit my Hop

  9. The BEA would probably overwhelm me. But maybe someday, sigh!

    I also lost all my comments and lost an entire post from my other blog:(

  10. I'm not feeling too optimistic about blogger restoring lost comments which is a bummer b/c I had some good ones yesterday too. :-( I really wish I could go to the BBC or BEA, it would be a blast...maybe someday. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  11. I will also miss both events-hope all is well with you

  12. I wish I could go to BEA but I just would feel guilty spending money to go to something like that. :(

  13. The book blogger hop sounds like super fun! :)

    Wow! The book expo sounds great! I bet there's lot of literary stuff to do there, and it would be great fun. We don't have too many things like that happening here, sadly. :(

  14. Sadly, I will not be able to go this year, but hopefully I will be able to be there next year!

  15. I like the blog hop too... I haven't participated in a while.

    I would love to attend book expo but work is way too busy for me to be away right now. Maybe someday it will come to Chicago? Or is NY it's permanent home?

  16. New follower here :)

    I have family in NY too but am not going either do to money issues. Hoping for next year though.

  17. I wish I could go to BEA, but unfortunately school is not out until several weeks later. Maybe I will be able to go next year.

    Perhaps you'd like to enter my blog. Let me know if you decide to follow; I always follow back.

  18. Just hopped by from the Blog Hop! Beautiful and organized site you have here! Glad I stumbled upon it! I will certainly be tagging it to return!



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