Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Lake: Thinking Ahead to the Japanese Literature Challenge

Hosted by Dolce Bellezza, the Japanese Literature Challenge is one of the first reading challenges I ever did, as well as one of my favorites. Goodbye Tsugumi and Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto were my first tastes of Japanese literature. I'm looking forward to participating in the challenge again this year, and I plan on reviewing another book by this talented author, The Lake, which has been recently translated into English by Michael Emmerich. Published in Japan in 2005, The Lake has received many terrific reviews on Amazon and elsewhere, and I think it would make a perfect choice for Bellezza's Japanese Literature Challenge 5.

The 9.0 Tōhoku earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 triggered one of the worst natural disasters of our time. Melville House will donate a portion of the proceeds from The Lake to Japan disaster relief, in a program called Banana for Japan.


  1. so interesting. love japanese literature, Kawabata, Tanizaki are favorites. Have read Banana's other book and will look for this one. Good luck

  2. I liked this book. I loved when author's donate a portion of their proceeds to a worthy cause.

  3. That's so nice of Melville house to pitch in..I havent read any Japanese author other than Murakami.Happy reading..

  4. Sukipoet, thanks for stopping by!

    Diane, it's good to know that you enjoyed The Lake. I'm really looking forward to the JLC-5.

    Bhargavi, I think you might also enjoy the work of Banana Yoshimoto. :)

  5. i'm looking forward to The Lake and the Japanese Lit challenge for this year, too!

    i'm hoping to read this, a Murakami, and some Kawabata this year for the challenge.

  6. I have been wanting to read this ever since I saw the first glowing reviews of it, and can't wait to hear what you think of it. It promises to be a very interesting book!

  7. Not a form of literature I've ever really considered reading before, thanks for opening my eyes to the possibility. Good luck with the challenge, I look forward to reading your reviews.

  8. I just posted about this too!
    If I don't win the book, I'm definitely buying it.
    Sounds really good.
    Natalie :0)
    Happy Friday!!

  9. Happy reading Suko, I've never read Japanese literature myself. I'll have to try it. Very cool that they are donating some of the proceeds to the relief effort.

  10. The cover work is absolutely breathtaking. I have several Japanese authors on my TBR list. I'll take a look at the reviews on this one and maybe add it too! Thanks for sharing the word.

  11. Thank you all for the comments. This wonderful reading challenge will begin on June 1, 2011.

  12. Greetings!

  13. I doesn't know this author nor if he (she ?) is translated in French. I 'll have a look. Thanks for this discovery.

  14. Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard of this.

  15. I've heard good things about this book and am looking forward to getting the chance to read it myself. Thanks for sharing!


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