Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Really Random Tuesday #26: Tips on How to Win a Book, and the Winner of "The Mom Book"

If I can do it, so can you! In yesterday's post I mentioned all the books--and a pair of earrings--that I've won online recently. I didn't mean to brag about my winnings, and I hope I wasn't too obnoxious. I was actually trying to encourage other people to try to win books online. It's fun to win something, and books are no exception to the rule. There are always numerous book giveaways online (including many that I post in my sidebar), and it really isn't terribly difficult to win a book. It's even easier if you have a blog, or an account on Facebook or Twitter. To maximize your chances of winning, there are a few simple "tricks" you should know about. (Experienced book bloggers may want to skip the next paragraph.)

Many book bloggers host book giveaways. There are also sites dedicated solely to book giveaways, such as one of my favorites, West of Mars - Win a Book!. Once you've found the giveaways that interest you, pay close attention to the rules. Often you will get extra chances at winning a particular book by posting about a giveaway on--you guessed it--your own blog, Facebook, or Twitter account. Helping to spread the word on a social network will often give you an extra shot at winning, which is only fair as you will also increase the competition for the book. If you become a Follower of a blog, you may also earn an extra chance. Be sure to mention the fact that you're already a Follower if the post asks you to do so (a bit of diligence pays off here). If the post has any sort of bonus question you may opt to answer that for an additional chance as well. Each book giveaway is different, so be sure to read carefully and follow the rules.

Please congratulate Laura from Laura's Reviews, the winner of Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, edited by Dave Isay. Although she was chosen randomly, Laura earned extra chances in this giveaway because she mentioned that she's a Follower, and answered the bonus question. I think Laura will really enjoy this book. I know I did.


Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post.

For other recent Really Random Tuesday posts, please visit Naida's blog, the bookworm, Avis' blog, she reads and reads, and Vivienne's blog, Serendipity.

Thanks for reading. Your comments are always welcomed.


  1. Thanks for linking to my post last week and congrats to Laura!

    I've pretty much stopped entering giveaways because I have so many books to read already -- and I feel badly about winning books that then sit on my shelves unread when someone else could have enjoyed them in the meantime!

  2. Avis, I know what you mean. I feel a bit guilty at times when I win a book, but I can't help myself! :)

  3. Thank you for linking my post. I must appear as a book glutton at the moment, as I have far too many coming in. I have just won two comps this week just by blogging browsing. Mad isn't it.

  4. Vivienne, it's so hard to resist books! And I know there'll be a time when I'm no longer blogging, so why not stock up while I can? Thanks for your comment. I enjoyed your RRT post today.

  5. Those are great tips! I've won a lot of books and other great stuff by doing just what you do so I know it works!

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Winning books is so much fun, and you're right it's not that hard to do. Congratulations, Laura!

  7. All good tips. Another place to win is twitter. A lot of the publishers have contests there. I've already won twice and all I had to do was retweet. The best was a box of Godiva chocolates for Valentines Day. Yum. My office mates were impressed... and I even shared.

    Also, there is a Facebook Group called Book Giveaways. Bloggers post links to their current giveaways.

    Shameless promotion: I have a giveaway on my blog through 5/22 with easy entry for a copy of Twice a Spy.

  8. Those are some good tips :)
    And congrats to Laura.

  9. I enjoy winning books and stuff also. I only sign up on the giveaways that has a book that interests me. I also only sign up for stuff that I will use if I would happen to win it. I just recently won a cute little cow vacuum from you that I find comes in very handy for those little jobs of vacuuming up cat hair, left around the house. >^..^<

  10. Leslie, thanks for mentioning the Facebook Group. Gigi Ann, I'm glad the mini cow vacuum is useful. Thanks for all the comments. All I need to do now is to carve out more time for reading!

  11. I totally didn't think you were bragging! I also enter a lot of giveaways, and win quite a few books regularly. I even won one from you recently! I think it's awesome that we all want to share the love and so many of us host giveaways.

  12. I am terrible at winning books in giveaways.. I guess I missed a few posts. I am not very active on FB or Twitter (meaning I have an account and barely use them ;-)),so i guess my chances at winning will remain low..

  13. I had no idea that there were sites dedicted simply to giveaways - thanks for the tip and the link to West Of Mars.

  14. I love to win a book online once in awhile but I hate if it ends up just sitting on my shelves unread. I'm trying to work on getting the books on my shelves read and not just review copies or library books. Thanks for sharing the tips!

  15. Petty, Susan from Win a Book has a terrific sense of humor that I know you'd enjoy. And while on the subject of book giveaways thank you very much for posting mine on your blog so often. I really appreciate it.

    Thank you all for the comments. :)

  16. I love love winning books! But don't have the time to enter them anymore :(
    Nice tips Susan and congrats to the winner!!
    Natalie :0)


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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