If you didn't win this time, please don't despair because there are other book giveaways listed on the right side of my blog, and more on the way.
Really Random Tuesday is a good venue for pet pictures.
Mugsy with Angel Cats book
Help! I could use some design help. I don't have Photoshop, so I quickly designed a logo for this meme with CoolText many months ago. But, as I've mentioned before, I'd like to have a button for this meme. I will award a $25 Amazon gift card to the person who designs the best button for Really Random Tuesday, preferably one which reflects the random, eclectic nature of the meme and includes my blog URL on it, suko95.blogspot.com, if possible. I'll announce the winner on Tuesday, July 12, and feature the button in future Really Random Tuesday posts. Please email your button artwork by Monday, July 11 to me: suko95(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks! (If I don't get any suitable entries, I'll continue to use the current logo.)Really Random Tuesday is a good venue for pet pictures.

Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. I use this meme frequently to announce book winners. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post.For another Really Random Tuesday post, please visit Naida's blog, the bookworm. Thanks for reading!