Thursday, February 23, 2012

Don'ts for Husbands

In December of last year, I read and reviewed Don'ts for Wives.  Impressed by this little book, I ordered the companion book, Don'ts for Husbands, for my own sweet hubby, as a stocking stuffer (although it did not arrive in time for Christmas morning).  I liked the idea of me and my husband having these books at bedside.  Being the curious wife that I am, I also read this pocket-sized book for husbands, written by Blanche Ebbutt and published nearly a century ago, to learn what advice this author might have for them, and to garner some new insights, perhaps, as a married woman.  Is it still relevant today?  You be the judge:

Don't be careless about keeping promises made to your wife.  if you have promised to be home at seven, think twice before you go off with a friend at 6:30.

Don't shout when you are angry.  It isn't necessary to let the children or the servants know all about it.

Don't omit to bring home an occasional bunch of flowers or a few chocolates.  Your wife will value even a penny bunch of violets for your thought of her.

This book may be more valuable for husbands, but I relished it.


  1. That sounds like good advice to me! Has your husband read it?

    1. Kathy, I asked him and he said he's read about half the book. He's got a hefty TBR pile, too!

  2. I like all three examples you posted today. They both look like fun books to read.

  3. Not bad advice … I know I don't want the servants to hear us yelling!!!

  4. I think I remember seeing these in Waterstones at christmas & thought they'd make great little gifts

  5. Having also loved Dont's For Wives which husband dearest bought me, I think it's about time I got my revenge and bought him a copy of this.

    PS You relished it, what did hubby make of it?

    1. He got a kick out of it, I think. Petty, thanks again for posting your review of Don'ts for Wives and leading me to these books.

  6. I would love to get this for my husband because I need the occasional sample of chocolate and a bunch of flowers every now and then!

  7. I like a lot "an occasional bunch of flowers !" Violets are among the flowers I like the best.... it's perhaps why I live ina "Violets street"...

  8. LOL - I read the same book and enjoyed the wisdom on every page. A quick and entertaining read, good to take to heart, and definitely relevant 99 years later :-)

    1. Anon, I'll bet you are a wonderful husband to a lucky lady!

  9. So did you actually garner NEW insights?
    I think advice #2 is very important for anyone, shouting when angry is always awkward for everyone.

    1. I think I garnered a few new-to-me insights. Thanks for your comment, BQ!

  10. This sounds good Suko and the advice does still sound relevant.
    Thanks for spreading the word about the Blue Monday giveaway :) You're the best.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. My pleasure, Naida! I love how Blue Monday was written by a husband and wife team (how appropriate for this post!).

  11. I remember reading your thoughts on the first book so it was fun to read your thoughts on this one as well. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed both of these books so much! They sound interesting!


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