Monday, February 6, 2012

Mailbox Monday

Am I becoming a memeophile?  Last week, I did three memes, Mailbox Monday, Wondrous Words Wednesday, and the Book Blogger Hop.  That's a lot of memes for me to do in one week!  I won't participate in as many memes this week, but I am starting the week with Mailbox Monday, which is hosted this month by Kim from Metroreader.

Three books arrived in my mailbox recently.  I won Ros by Dee DeTarsio on Dizzy C's Little Book Blog.  Although the book I won was an eBook, the author kindly sent me a paperback copy of her book when I told her that I didn't have an eReader.  I received Whole Latte Life from the author,  Joanne DeMaio, along with a very nice, coffee-themed card, as I'll be part of the virtual tour for this novel in May (equipped with my own cup of coffee or tea).  Lastly, I purchased It by Stephen King for a steal of a price from a used book seller on Amazon (a great way to get used books in good condition), which I plan on reading for The Stephen King Project, a challenge hosted by Natalie from Coffee and a Book Chick and Kathleen from Boarding in My Forties.  Each of these books is enticing to me in a different way, and I look forward to beginning them.

What new books arrived in your mailbox recently?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, I welcome your comments.


  1. It scared the bejeebies out of me! I will be interested in hearing what you think of it!

  2. I can't read Stephen King. I have an overly active imagination and am spooked by supernatural stuff...

    1. Harvee, I think that's what makes it fun to read King! :)

  3. I read a Stephen King's book (in French) a few years ago, and liked it ! Like you I like (sorry for the repetitions) to have a pile of good books waiting to be read. Enjoy !

  4. I will be curious to see what you think of Whole Latte Life. It sounds very promising! I think It would keep me up at night. That clown on the cover is giving me the frights!

  5. You're braver than I am if you're going to read It! Where did the clown come from? Was he in your mailbox?

    1. Kathy, the clown is from an antique shop. I couldn't resist adding him to the picture.

  6. Lovely mailbox Suko! I've got my eye on Whole Latte Life. Enjoy IT :) I like how you've included a little clown in this photo..... nice touch!

  7. Scariest mailbox ever with IT and the little clown!!! AARRRRGGGHHHH!!!

  8. Your copy of IT, along with the clown is pretty creepy. (I recall making a clown similar to that when my kids were small though --funny how I flashed on that. I'm doing The Stephen Kind Project as well so maybe I'll try that one too....enjoy your new books.

  9. How nice of the author to send you an actual book rather than an e-book you couldn't read! Like Harvee, I can't read Stephen King's spooky stuff, but I hope you enjoy It! :)

  10. I'm participating in The Stephen King Project too but I'm choosing a less creepy book. I've never been fond of clowns but the little guy you have in the photo is kind of cute.

    I'm going to be on the tour for Whole Latte Life too. Ros is a new title for me and sounds really good.

  11. These look lovely Suko. I must read more Simon King.

  12. It's great you received all these. For me I received two books from publishers this wee, "Et puis, Paulette..." by Barbara Constantine and "Shalom India residence" by Esther David.

  13. I've seen Ros on a lot of blogs, a great cover, I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

  14. I am creeped out by clowns, but I thought It was great! Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  15. Eeeek, the creepy clown book! That's one that I would keep in the freezer, which will then take me over a year to read, lol! I am such a chicken, I can hardly read any of Kings books. Although, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was a good one!
    Enjoy your books :)

  16. I want to read It as well. Although I'll admit that I'm kind of scared to, but I still want to try :) It looks like you got some good books though so I hope that you enjoy!


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