Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Desert Intrigue: Review and Giveaway

Desert Intrigue: The Adventures of John and Julia Evans, published in 2012,  is the fourth and newest book in this mystery series by author Linda Weaver Clarke, which includes Anasazi Intrigue, Mayan Intrigue, and Montezuma Intrigue.  In this book, the action and mystery center around Julia's brother's dude ranch in Mesa, Arizona.  Kelly, Julia's brother, has inherited this land from his father, which includes a ranch, farm, and fruit orchard. The cast of characters in this book also features John and Julia Evans and their daughters, April, who's preparing for her upcoming wedding, and the irrepressible twins, Sharlene and Faith, as well as several young, "eligible bachelors", some of whom work at the ranch. The  twins visit Uncle Kelly in Arizona to cheer him up and help him out at the ranch, which seems to be haunted.  They are having a wonderful time,  but one too many reported sightings of the (mythological?) Thunder God undermine their security and make them feel uneasy.

"The girls hesitated and then shook their heads. The whole thing was unnerving.  What bothered them the most was how fast the ghost seemed to disappear after being sighted!  Whenever someone saw it, Uncle Kelly quickly hopped on his horse to check it out.  Each time he found nothing.  How did he disappear so quickly if he was a real person?"
~Desert Intrigue, Linda Weaver Clarke

As in other books in this series, Julia continues to have strange dreams, and a sense of foreboding.   Her intuition tells her that something is not quite right, and she's worried about her brother, because his dude ranch, which was flourishing, has seen a dramatic drop in business.  She's not sure what's going on (and neither is the reader), but she suspects that someone wants to sabotage his business.  Julia decides to take matters into her own hands and investigate, and she and John join their twin daughters at Kelly's Arizona ranch in an effort to figure out what's happening.

Desert Intrigue is an entertaining and joyful book, my favorite in this mystery series by Linda Weaver Clarke, which I think would make an excellent TV mini series.  I love the sparks of romance in this adventure--they spice things up and add much interest to the story.  The book has a handful of surprises that I did not anticipate, and the mystery fuels much of the action.  The author includes some of the delicious-sounding recipes mentioned in the story at the end of this book, including chicken salad wraps (made with red grapes and pineapple!),  and Hal's prize winning chili.

Linda Weaver Clarke is generously offering a copy of Desert Intrigue as a giveaway (U.S., paperback, or ebook, everywhere else) to a lucky reader.  Although this book is part of a series, it can be easily enjoyed without having read the preceding books.

  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment. 
  • For another chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower, or that you subscribe in Google Reader.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Enter by 5PM PDT on Monday, May 7. One winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, May 8.  Good luck!

Special thanks to Linda Weaver Clarke for sending me her new book, Desert Intrigue.


  1. I have been avidly reading your reviews of all the books in this series, and think that they would be perfect for my son, as well as myself. I love a mystery/thriller that is unique and original, and it sounds like this series is just that! Fantastic review today! So glad that you loved the book!

  2. Very nice review! Linda, your series sounds fascinating and I wish you much success!

  3. I know you enjoy this series, good to hear this addition was nice as well. I like it when recipes from the book are shared. Nice review!

  4. A nice review. I've read Desert Intrigue and enjoyed it very much.

  5. It sounds like an interesting story. I'd love to read it.

  6. No need to enter me as I have this waiting to be reviewed. You did a great review and made me excited to read it.

  7. Sounds great. I have the other books in the series and I am trying to get to them soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the latest one.

  8. I have been wanting to read a book in this series!
    Katsaddress AT gmail. DOT com

  9. I don't know why but I was expecting this to be a memoir of some kind as opposed to a mystery.

    Good to read you enjoyed it so much, good luck to everyone who enters your giveaway.

  10. I haven't heard of these books, but they sound intriguing. I would love to win and read one.

  11. I love the cover and the review was awesome. I'm totally excited to read this book/series. Glad I saw about your writing through the Sweetest Romance Writers.
    My very best to you and your success!

  12. Excellent review, and the book sounds captivating! :) Way to go, Linda! :)

    *I don't enter contests, so please don't submit my name. Thank you!*


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