Saturday, May 5, 2012

Quote It Saturday: Garden Bliss

Nature is the master artist, and the garden is an outdoor studio.  Quiet little miracles appear in the spring garden--new leaves, the beginnings of fruit, a burst of flower-color.  Cuttings from other plants, from mint or succulents, start to grow and forge their own identities.

Signs of life on the Japanese maple

Rosemary plants have become bushes

Carrots (from seeds) flourish in a planter box

Mini cherry tomatoes sprout abundantly
 on plants from last spring

A brilliantly-colored geranium


This mint plant...

...led to this mint plant...

...and this one

A trio of succulents


1911 edition

 by Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of
The Secret Garden   (and other books)

“And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.”

"I am writing in the garden. To write as one should of a garden one must write not outside it or merely somewhere near it, but in the garden."

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”


Quote It Saturday is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice.  During the merry month of May, Sheila from Book Journey is hosting a read-a-long for The Secret Garden.

As always, your comments are welcomed. 


  1. Lovely pictures Susan! It's so nice to see signs of life somewhere. It refuses to warm up here and nothing is blooming here yet. Your rosemary is amazing. I love putting sprigs in with potatoes and other things. We bought our tomato plants and are growing marigolds from seeds but we've had to keep them in the garage and warm. Send some of your nice weather my way. Lol.

    1. Darlene, I know you're more than ready for warmer weather! Rosemary is incredibly easy to grow, and does well here, in spite of the lack of rain.

  2. Lovely photos, and I am so happy to see you back!
    LOVE The Secret Garden, one of my childhood faves!

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful story! I'm tempted to reread it. Thanks for hosting this terrific meme. I like the new button (and have added it to my Memes page).

  3. YOu have a nice variety of plants and herbs. I plan to plant mint, basil, and tomatoes in pots this year.

  4. Wow! It looks like your garden of flowers and plants is doing really well! I'm not very good with growing anything really but we are going to attempt again this year with tomato plants AND a strawberry plant. We will see if any of it is alive by the end of the summer :)

  5. I love seeing your garden photos. Late spring is my favorite time of the year when all the plants come back to life.

    I'm reading The Secret Garden this month for the read-a-long. Somehow I missed reading this book as a child.

  6. The wonderful world of gardens. I like your colorful plants/photos of your garden.
    There is also a singing group called the Secret Garden which plays also the violin..

    1. I did not know about this singing group. Thanks for visiting, Edgar!

  7. Those are wonderful photos Suko! What a lovely garden. I like the quotes as well.
    I've just gotten my seeds potted now and will wait for them to sprout a bit before transporting them outside. Marigolds and sunflowers, two of my favorites. Enjoy your weekend :)

  8. Love the pictures of those plants. I'm all excited because the green thumb in our house, that would be my husband not me, has agreed to make me a little herb garden. Into those pots we'll have sage, thyme, basil, and lavender for its fragrance.

    I'm going to go check out The Secret Garden read along because I just might have time to squeeze it in. Thanks for sharing, and I loved your photographs, Suko.

    1. Bellezza, it's lovely to have a garden of herbs, in pots or in the earth. I also have oregano which is easy to grow outdoors; I dry it inside the house and use it in cooking.

      Enjoy The Secret Garden!

  9. Wow … you've got a green thumb!! Things are just thriving in your garden! I need some of your magic.

  10. i love the great variety you have. Hope the plants continue to flourish.

  11. Thank you all for the comments. More are welcomed.

  12. Thank God for the little miracles of Spring!

  13. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I really like The Secret Garden. It is one of my favourite children's book.

  14. What a beautiful garden Suko! You really have a green thumb, which sadly, I do not!


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