Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Really Random Tuesday #53: September, a Book Winner, and Reading Resolutions

The breezes taste                           
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze.
~September, John Updike


The randomly chosen winner of the delectable novel The Color of Tea by Hannah Tunnicliffe is Jinky from Jinky is Reading.  Please help me to congratulate her! If you didn't win this particular giveaway, please take a look at the other exciting book giveaways I have listed on the right side of my blog.


~Some Random Book-related Thoughts and Resolutions~
  • I am not reading enough.  I need to set aside more time to read, if only in the evenings. (As autumn approaches, it's supreme to anticipate reading with a lit, fragrant candle on a nearby table, enhancing the experience.)
  • I need to complete the reading challenge I created, The Jodi Picoult Project.  After I read one more novel by Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home, I'll host a giveaway in celebration, as I've mentioned before.  
  • I will read more for pleasure and less out of a sense of obligation to anyone else.  This means not accepting as many books for review from authors, agents, and publishers.  I'm selective about what I read, and will continue to be that way.  
Do you have any reading resolutions to share?


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of.  Often I announce my book giveaway winners in these posts.  If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to "grab" the button for your own blog, and leave a link to your post in the comments.  For other recent Really Random Tuesday posts, please stop by Peppermint, Ph.D., Vivienne's blog, Serendipity Reviews, and Sam's blog, Booked on a Feeling.

Your comments are welcomed, as always.


  1. Nice post Suko. I totally agree with your resolutions. Sometimes it's hard to say no to a review request and before I know it, all the books I'm reading have deadlines. Reading on cool Fall evenings with a cup of hot tea cuddled under a blanket is what I look forward to now that the weather is changing.
    Congrats to the winner!

  2. Congratulations Jinky! I love the e-card. I keep telling myself things will settle down soon so I can read more.

  3. Loving the e-card! Too true. And I think your resolution to read without obligation is very wise!!!

  4. Those apples look delicious. Sigh, I need more time to read too but I don't like to sit still. That's why I listen to so many audio books!

  5. Congrats to Jinky! I love the reading resolutions. I especially like the one to read without obligation. I need to do that!

  6. I stand by being selective as well...there are just too many books that I WANT to read to read books that don't even get my attention with the written for publicity synopsis. Do you know that I wrote my Really Random Tuesday post without consciously realizing I was participating in your meme. Oy. I'm adding a link back to you :)

    1. I thought that was maybe the case, Peppermint. Thanks! :)

  7. What a perfect poem for the season! and I agree with the "read more for your own pleasure" it can be difficult though... best of everything !

  8. Woohoo, thank you Suko! ..and to those who congratulated me. Looking forward to reading it. --I'm in the same boat about the resolution to find time to read, hold off on accepting reviews, and reading "for pleasure" books. Good luck to both of us! Hehe..

  9. I love the poem, and the e-card, it is so true. Congrats to Jinky, enjoy the book.

    One reason I don't accept many books by authors for reviews is the fact that I read for my own entertainment, and unless it sounds like something I would enjoy reading, I just say: "not this time, but thank you anyway for thinking of me." I have so many of my own books waiting to be read, I am trying not to accept anything from anyone anymore.

  10. I've pulled back on the review copies for the same reason. Granted, I still have a backlog, but I'm working my way through it while I read some books from my personal shelves as well. Hope you find more time to read and feel less overwhelmed.

  11. Congratulations to your winners, and I just love the poem! It evokes fall so strongly!

  12. Suko: That poem was a good choice for September. Puts me i the mood for apple cider!

    My hope is to read less and to write more!

  13. Loving both that September verse and the cartoon.

    Looking forward to your review of Sing You Home as its one of the three books I read for the project. Speaking of which I really should read at least 1 more of JP's books as I set myself a goal of at least 4.

  14. Timely poem! Thanks for sharing it

    I've also cut way back on review copies -- I need to read without a sense of obligation. I took a break this summer and it is much better now; I feel as though I've got my reading mojo back! ;)

  15. Hi. Just wanted you to know I mentioned your blog in my first day post for Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2012.

    1. Thanks, Mel! I look forward to reading your posts for BBAW 2012.


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