Sunday, October 21, 2012

Magpie Tales #140: Annuit Cœptis

Since Providence has favored our endeavors, be fruitful and multiply.

This Mag was inspired by the photo from Tess Kincaid's Magpie Tales. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


  1. A strikingly different take on the prompt...

  2. It certainly multiplied, and thanks for visiting.
    In reference to the date (MDCCCLXXVI), and your last line, I wonder how the Romans did multiplication. Not that, silly! I was referring to their maths!

  3. Clever, Suko. I like it, all that multiplying green!

  4. ill admit. whatever i was expecting, this was indeed different.

  5. Interesting, I can't help but think of Freemasonry looking at this as it seems so symbolic.

  6. Clever! Okay, I'll get started on that :)

  7. reminded me of a sheet of postage stamps...lovely!!

  8. Interesting and very unique, Suko. Good job with this!

  9. I hope we are not so fruitful that we end up without a way to sustain ourselves. Just kidding, I've been reading birth control scholarly research for work, and I couldn't help myself.

    I do love the idea of reminding ourselves, as a society, that since Fate is being good to us, we should have the decency to using our good fortune to make the world a better place and multiply the goodness, in a gentle way, and with those who are willing to receive it.

    1. Magaly, very nicely put! I hope as well that we multiply the goodness.

  10. Thanks for all the comments! I took some creative chances with this one.


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