Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Lines 2012

Created by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, the idea of the First Lines meme is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year." It's fun to revisit past posts and do a sort of personal review of your blog in this manner.  This is my fourth time to do this once-a-year, end-of-year meme.  I look forward to it all year; keeping this meme in mind reminds me to write more interesting opening sentences, especially at the beginning of each month. :)  To read more of any post, simply click on the month above the first line.

Usually, I let Bermudaonion--Kathy--do all the work.

Did the first month of 2012 fly by, or is it just me?

Mailbox Monday, hosted this month by Anna from Diary of an Eccentric,  provides a socially acceptable way for us to boast about our new books.

Sometimes, more times than I'd like to admit these days, I feel sort of "old school".

Welcome to the 45th edition of Really Random Tuesday!  

Before reading this book, I associated Transylvania with Bram Stoker's horror novel and film, Dracula, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Does Laura mean lucky?

The Color of Tea by Hannah Tunnicliffe is a novel about Grace Miller, who yearns for a child and opens up a French café in Macau, China, where she and her husband, Peter, live.

The breezes taste
Of apple peel.

Pick a book, any book.

Will you join the more than 90 million Americans expected to cast their ballots today?

It's a wonderful life!

To my surprise, I discovered that I started the year with a meme, Wondrous Words Wednesday, and began a majority of months with memes, namely Wondrous Words Wednesday, Really Random Tuesday, and Mailbox Monday (which I've been hosting this month).  In 2012, I did plenty of memes, and aptly, my last post of the year will be a meme as well (Mailbox Monday).  On a different note, I did not include quotes from books or other sources as "lines", but I did include the opening line of the poem September by John Steinbeck, as that entire poem was presented as the first part of the ninth month's first post.

If the idea to gather your first lines also appeals to you, please feel free to follow suit.  You might learn a thing or two about your own blog in the process.


  1. I like this meme! Those are some great first lines, especially Decembers. I'll be playing along too :)

    1. Great! I look forward to reading your first lines, Naida.

    2. What a fun post, and some interesting first liners.

      Hoping your Christmas was a good one and that the New Year is wonderful as well.

    3. Thanks, Diane. Have a happy new year!

  2. So pleased you have posted this again this year, its great to think back on all those memorable moments.
    My post, which I have linked to you, will be appearing sometime in the next week.

    1. Thanks, Petty! I am eager to read your first lines.

  3. Lots of memes here, and lots of fun standalones too... I particularly like January's :-) And October seems to sum up our blogging life fairly neatly!

    1. Thanks for stopping by--and for coming up with this special meme!

  4. I miss memes. This time last year I was a regular on It's Monday, what are u reading? and a couple of other memes.

    This past year has been so busy I have not had the time.

    Memes and visiting my blog friends is high on my list for 2013

    Happy New Year, Suko


    1. Carol, I know you've been good and busy this past year. I didn't realize I was doing so many memes until I did this first lines post!

  5. A good idea, Suko, though I haven't been consisting with memes, doing some one week and none the following. I will have to look over books I chose for opening lines/sentences...

    1. It really does make you think about your opening lines! Thanks for your comment, Harvee.

  6. This was a fun post to read! I might just have to go back and look at all of my 1st lines for this year :)

  7. That's an interesting idea! Maybe for next year....

  8. I'm flattered that you started the year of with a Wondrous Words Wednesday post! Happy New Year!

    1. Kathy, I've enjoyed doing WWW so much this past year. It's a great meme in many ways. I'm looking forward to doing more WWW in the new year; hopefully I'll find more of the words in books. :)

  9. I'm thinking I'd find myself boring!

    Happy New Year!


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