Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mailbox Monday

Lines from a well-known nursery rhyme were stuck in my head.
And when she was good
She was very, very good
But when she was bad
She was horrid!
Last week, a book I won from Peppermint Ph.D. appeared in my mailbox, And When She Was Good by Laura Lippman, and so I kept hearing the lines in my head.  I Googled the rhyme for the exact words, and learned that it isn't actually a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.  The words are from the poem "There Was a Little Girl" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and the line "she was very, very good" should really be "she was very good indeed".  I'm eager to find out why the book has this title.

Mailbox Monday is a social meme that encourages us to share our new books.  Created by Marcia, who has set up various book blogs as well as a Mailbox Monday blog, it's been a "traveling" meme for the past few years.  I truly enjoyed hosting Mailbox Monday during December, but now it's time to pass the torch.  Lori's Reading Corner is the host of Mailbox Monday for the month of January.  What books landed in your mailbox recently?


  1. I've read Lippman and enjoyed her books. This is a new one for me. Have a good week.

  2. Oh, I do like Laura Lippman - hope this is another good one. ENJOY

  3. I have never read this author, and mentioning the poem has me all curious about the story.

  4. Interesting about the origin of the title. Hope you like it!

  5. Good author...I have this book, but haven't read it yet.


    My Mailbox Link is below.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  6. Another author I'll have to check out, I hope you enjoy this one.

  7. I've enjoyed the Lippman books I've read so I suspect you're in for a treat. I'm not surprised to see we've all been quoting that poem wrong.

  8. I really enjoyed And When She Was Good...I haven't ever been disappointed by a Laura Lippman book.


  9. I listened to the audio of this one and enjoyed it.

  10. This one looks very interesting, enjoy!

  11. Longfellow, really?! How interesting. Clever you to have researched that line...I held with Mother Goose, too. Will have to investigate the book. Thanks!

  12. Oh yes! I bought this book back when the hype was high, and I am also eager to find out what's in store for me with this one. I love Lippman, and haven't read a book from her standalone set that I haven't loved, so I am really glad that you and I will both be reading this one. I can tell you that she is one of my favorite authors of this genre. Always a twist and a bend in her tales. Nice mailbox today, Suko!

  13. I've never read anything by Lippman. Hope you love it!

  14. I think you'll like it! I haven't read anything else by Lippman yet, but plan to very soon! Enjoy!

  15. My mom used to say this when I wasn't being the darling little angel I usually was! ; )

  16. I had my own ideas too about the title and the novel's plot. The author seems to be saying more with the title than she let on in the book. Hope you enjoy it.

    1. Harvee, I always think titles say a lot! Thanks for your comment.

  17. I was surprised to read that Longfellow wrote this little ditty. Very Interesting!!! indeed.

    I haven't heard of this book, but it looks like maybe I should check it out, everyone seems to like it.

  18. I voe to read something by Laura Lippman one of these days. I hope you enjoy it.

  19. Hi Susan,

    Laura Lippman is a name that has been mentioned so many times, that I really should read at least one of her books and this one sounds like the perfect candidate. The premise is very enticing and promises much and you cover version is also quite alluring and much better than the version on

    I remember your rhyme from my school days and my version is the same as yours, I never had any idea that it wasn't the true line at all!

    Thanks or sharing,


  20. I definitely want to read this book at some point as well so on to the TBR list it goes. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!!! Enjoy :)


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