Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #60: Fleeting Memory Winner and Amaryllis Revisited

Seems I am a rhyming fool today!  

This Really Random Tuesday post is short and sweet.  Please help me congratulate petite.

Petite has won my giveaway for a mystery caper book, Fleeting Memory, the first book in the Enescu Fleet series by Sherban Young. Congratulations, petite!  My other readers might be interested in the assortment of book giveaways listed on the right side of my blog.


Many Tuesdays ago, I posted a picture of an amaryllis that wasn't really an amaryllis.  It was a hippeastrum, apparently, according to my favorite online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.  Now here's a photo of my new "amaryllis" plant in bloom.  I'm not certain that this is an actual amaryllis either, even though it was labelled as an amaryllis in the floral department of Major Market (a very nice supermarket in town).  Amaryllis is amaryllis is amaryllis--or maybe not. 


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of.  I often announce my book giveaway winners in these posts.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, and add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page

As always, your comments are appreciated. :)


  1. How lovely is your amaryllis. Alas another plant I cannot keep alive, yours looks so healthy.

    1. Petty, this plant has been very easy and requires almost no care! After the flowers are gone, I'll try planting the bulb outside.

  2. Congratulations to petite :)
    And your amaryllis is just lovely! What a pretty color.

  3. Your amaryllis is gorgeous - what a beautiful shot of color during the dreary winter.

  4. Oh my, your Amaryllis is lovely. When my son was 2 or 3 I took of picture of him holding a pot just like this. He looked so adorable. I think I gave him the photo though.

  5. What a great idea to have a potted flowering plant in winter! Makes me want to go out and buy one. Your amaryllis is so pretty.

  6. Whatever it's called, those flowers are stunning and so nice so see in the middle of winter!

  7. Oh my, it's gorgeous. It looks especially good to me in the dead of winter here.

  8. Congratulations to Petite.
    And yes, I would say that is an amaryllis!. My sister, who is a fantastic gardener and houseplant expert, gave me several amaryllis in past years. Aren't they awesome, you can practially watch them grow, and then they send out that wonderful flower. I have had pink one, orange ones, a fabulous red and even one that was white and green. I love them too.

  9. Congratulations to petite, and what a lovely shot of your flower! I would love to have something so colorful and beautiful in my house, but my cats tend to eat all the plants that I bring in. But now that you have the photo up, I can just pop over here and check it out when I need a splash of brilliance in an otherwise ordinary day :)

  10. It is a beautiful flower though!!! Even if you aren't quite sure what it is :)

  11. Amaryllis or not, what a wonderful flower !

  12. It looks like an amaryllis and even if it's not, it's still beautiful. I love having blooming flowers in the house in the winter.

  13. Those flowers look great.
    Is it an indoor plant?

    1. Yes, although I will soon plant the bulb outside. :)


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