Sunday, March 17, 2013

For St. Patrick's Day

"Irish writers tell stories differently..."
~Edna O'Brien

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  In celebration of St. Patrick's Day, Open Road Integrated Media provided this gorgeous, short video, Authors on Ireland, which features several famous authors, Edna O'Brien, Joseph Caldwell, Ken Bruen, and T.J. English.  After viewing this, I'm ready to pack my bag for a trip to Ireland! 

Additionally, March is Irish-American Heritage Month, and Irish Short Story Month on Mel's blog, The Reading Life.  In the past, I've reviewed short stories by Irish writers for this event, such as A Journey by Edna O'Brien.  I hope to participate again this year.

St. Patrick,
St. Benin Church, Ireland,
courtesy of Wikipedia
A Short Irish Toast

May your mornings bring joy 
and your evenings bring peace 
May your troubles grow less 
as your blessings increase!


  1. I would love to visit the Emerald Isle and hope to read a few Irish short stories too.

    1. I imagine myself there, surrounded by beauty, writing or reading away in a little coffee shop. :)

  2. My trip to Ireland last Spring Break was the best trip of my life so far! LOVED it and would go back in a heartbeat!

    1. Ireland's definitely on my "to see" list! Thanks for your comment.

  3. thanks for the mention-I have added a new feature to Irish short story Month this year (march 1 to march 31)- Q and A sessions with Irish writers, 24 online so far and I expect at least 40-the writers range from pretty famous to new writers, several have PhDs, they cover a wide range of topics-I also will before the month is over post over 50 short stories by Irish writers, all award winning authors-

    Participation is open to any and all

    feel free to contact me at if you have any questions

    Suko thanks very much for the mention and I hope you can find away to join for the third year-

  4. Nice clip Suko. Ireland is on my must visit list as well. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

  5. Happy belated St Patricks day!

    Up until now my reading of Irish authors has been woefully in inadequate. I really intend to remedy that soon!

  6. What a wonderful tribute, I love that toast. A belated happy St Patrick's Day.

  7. Thank you Suko. As you know, our cousin just went to Ireland and loved it. I have been planning to revisit James Joyce as a writer, after hearing Philip Roth quote him as one of his influences.

  8. Great post! Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day!

  9. Such an appropriate post; Hope your Day was special.

  10. I read Frank O'Connor's First Confession for Irish Reading Month inspired by Mel. The Irish are indeed fantastic storytellers, and I'd really only known Maeve Binchy and Anne Enbright until a few years ago.


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