Monday, March 4, 2013

Mailbox Monday

Well, at least we get a month, right?

I was honored to receive a new collection of poetry, No Ocean Here, by award-winning poet, novelist, and blogger Sweta Srivastava Vikram, to review for Women's History Month (March) and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (May).  This book presents 43 poems, many of which are hauntingly heartbreaking narratives of women subjected to violence and opression in various parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Mailbox Monday is a terrific way to highlight new books and reading-related items.  Created by Marcia, who has set up several book blogs as well as a Mailbox Monday blog, this meme has been "on tour" for the past few years.  Caitlin from Chaotic Compendiums is hosting Mailbox Monday for the month of March.  What new goodies were in your mailbox recently?


  1. I'll be watching for your review on this one. It sounds like it could be a little disturbing while at the same time an important book for women.

  2. I struggle with all but the simplest poetry. That collections sounds great, though, and I just love the cover!

  3. This book has a gorgeous cover, but I bet it would make for at least, some, heartbreaking reading.

  4. Dramatic and artistic cover! Eager to read your comments on the poems.

  5. This sounds like a very powerful, but possibly disturbing collection of poems. I look forward to reading what you have to say about it.

  6. What a gorgeous cover! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on some of these poems :) Enjoy!

  7. Sounds interesting. Poetry isn't for me, though. ENJOY!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  8. I hope you enjoy your poetry book. I don't think I could read such heartbreaking narratives.

  9. Not exactly a lover of poetry this sounds like a wonderful collection though like some of the others I'm not sure I could read such words as being poetry makes them somehow more real, more personal, than even if I were to read them in memoir form.

  10. This does sound like a deeply moving collection of poetry, and one that I can't wait to ear your reaction to. Some of it sounds emotionally rigorous, but I bet that you will welcome the challenge and do great things exploring it.

  11. It does sound a bit depressing, but sometimes real life is depressing. I too, like poetry, I even have a blog that I post some of my poetry on. You can find it here....

    One of the poems I wrote was titled "Homelessness" and yes it was sad to write about it, but as I said some things are real in real life.

  12. Enjoy it Suko. I look forward to your thoughts on it. I've read this author before, and I'm pretty sure I won her book at your blog :)

  13. Beautiful cover and sad stories but so real !

  14. I love the cover, and it sounds like the perfect collection to read during the month. Looking forward to your thoughts.

  15. Enjoy! your read.

  16. Sounds like an emotional book.

    Hope you have a great week!


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