Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #61: A Winner, a Superstar, and Pho Chay

Really, really random.  Welcome to a new month, and welcome to another edition of Really Random Tuesday.  I think you'll soon agree that this Really Random Tuesday post is really random. 

First things first. As is often the case in these posts, I have a book winner to announce.  The winner of the Capital of the World by Charlene Mires is Harvee from Book Dilettante.  Congratulations, Harvee!  Thanks to everyone who participated in this giveaway.  If you didn't win this time, please take a look at the other book giveaways listed on the right side of my blog.


Flower power!  The humble geranium is actually a superstar: colorful, drought-tolerant, and generally easy to grow.  These bright, variegated blooms in the center of the picture are from a cutting I made.  New geranium plants take a long time to grow from cuttings, but are worth waiting for.  Gently push cuttings into soil, water, and wait.  (If you see a lovely geranium bush around town, why not break off a small piece to add to your own garden?  Shhh....)  In literature, there are several references to geraniums.  In the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, potted red geraniums are outside of the neglected house of a character, perhaps to symbolize that good that exists in everyone (even the most corrupt).


Beautiful Pho Chay

Fresh, fragrant pho.  My favorite is pho chay, Vietnamese noodle soup with tofu and vegetables.  I've posted about pho before.  My love for pho only grows.  Served piping hot, with a side plate of bean sprouts, Thai basil, and lime, you can also add spicy sauces, such as Sriracha, to this wonderful soup.  Pho restaurants seem to be popping up everywhere.  Have you tried pho yet?  I start to crave pho when I go more than a couple of weeks without it.  Wishing to somehow tie in my obession with pho with books and reading, I discovered a book on Amazon devoted to pho, The Art of Pho, a graphic novel by Julian Hanshaw, published in 2010.  


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related matters you can think of.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, and add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page

Thanks for reading!  Your comments are welcomed.


  1. Suko, thanks so much for the win! Looking forward to reading it!~

    Yes, I love pho and there is a pretty good Vietnamese restaurant here that serves several kinds. I might make some today too!

  2. I have never had Pho Chay. But the picture looks very tasty. My mother use to save cuttings of her geraniums each fall and grow them throughout the winter months. It seems she always had geraniums blooming on the windowsills all year round.

    Congrats Harvee, I hope you enjoy the book.

  3. Congrats Harvey!!

    OMG that Pho looks delicious!!

  4. I love geraniums and now I want to plant some. Congratulations Harvee!

  5. I've never had pho chay, but you're making me want to try it! Congrats to Harvee :) I like bright flowers like geraniums, marigolds are a favorite too. Happy Tuesday!

  6. Congratulations Harvee!

    I really like pho and have enjoyed recently. i had no idea that it was the "in" thing these days.I am a fan of Vietnamese food and wish that I ate it more often.

  7. Never head of Pho before! Now you make me want some :) and that geranium looks gorgeous!

  8. I love geraniums and usually have some potted plants on my porch by late spring. Oh, that pho chay looks delicious. My hubby and I like eating Vietnamese.

  9. Not normally a fan of tofu but that Pho Chay looks yummy.

  10. Congratulations to your winner! I also love Pho, and have had it on several occasions, but not nearly enough. I love the kind that has seafood and veggies. I need to find that Pho book!

  11. COngrats to the winner, Suko! I love that flower, it is bright and cheerful =) And that dish sounds so yumm! I really would love to try it someday =)

  12. Congrats to Harvee. It sounds like an interesting book. My flowers are still sleeping but soon they should wake up. The snow is gone! I love soup and the Pho looks fantastic. I only like veggies in my soup so I'm sure I'd love it.

  13. Congrats to Harvee! I've never had Pho but it looks delicious.

  14. That soup looks amazingly delicious. I love tofu in soup!

    Red geraniums always remind me of Anne of Green Gables; Marilla had one on the kitchen table when Anne first arrived, and Anne named it Bonnie ;) I always like to have some red geraniums planted in pots on my porch in summer.

  15. I have not tried Pho, but that picture makes me very hungry. I need to try it - I'll be on the look-out now.

  16. A good book, a beautiful flower, a delicious soup .... a perfect day !


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