Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #62: Mosaics and a Book Winner

I know some of you are still waiting for spring and I don't mean to rub it in, but yesterday was a gorgeous spring day here.  It was so nice out--I had to take a walk.  I strolled around the Arts Center and was inspired to take some pictures with my iPhone.  I love the camera on my iPhone!  I photographed some of the mosaic sculptures by renowned artist  Niki de Saint Phalle.  I have a wonderful book of her work from the Mingei International Museum, Niki de Saint Phalle Insider/Outsider World Inspired Art.

Update, April 2015: Another place to find photos of her work is on Artsy.



Seal eye

Other details

Colorful painted wall
Another wall

I have barely scratched the surface here.  I could've posted more photos; I could've taken a lot more photos.  The iPhone is an incredible, all-in-one phone that's invaluable in numerous ways.  Most of the photos I now use for my blog are iPhone photos.  In fact, I rarely use a regular camera anymore.


Please help me to congratulate Kelly from The Well-Read Redhead.  She's won a copy of The Paradise Guest House, a riveting new novel by author Ellen Sussman. Congratulations, Kelly!  If you didn't win this book giveaway, please take a look at the right side of my blog, where other giveaways are featured.


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related matters you can think of.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, and add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page.

As always, your comments are welcomed!


  1. Congrats to Kelly, happy reading. The mosiacs are lovely. It looks like you had a colorful walk yesterday.

  2. Congratulations Kelly!

    Those are really neat sculptures. I followed the link, I had ver before heard of her but Niki de Saint Phalle did some very innovative work.

  3. It was gorgeous here yesterday as well. I love the mosaics - outsider art is just wonderful!

    Congratulations Kelly!

  4. Wonderful photos Suko! Glad you got a chance to get out and take them :)

  5. How wonderful are those mosaics, so bright and cheerful, I especially adore the cat.

  6. Beautiful mosiacs. I am also struck by just how green it is by you!! Not too much green grass here in Northeast Wisconsin.

  7. Those are so beautiful & interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  8. We're starting to have great spring weather here too. Finally! The mosaics are beautiful. My dad has done some mosaic work too which I consider a work of art.

  9. Seemed like a perfect sunny day for pictures at the art museum. I do like the mosaics!

  10. I love the mosaics! I particularly love the cat. It's very neat, and the details are amazing! Also, congratulations to your winner! I just got that book, so I am excited that she did too! :)

  11. The details in your photos are so clear. I can see why you love your iPhone.

    I'm still waiting for spring... there's a rumor that it might be here on Sunday.

  12. Wow! Beautiful mosaic sculptures! We have really hot weather here already - and it is so horrible :) I don't think we had spring, lol! Congrats to the winners :)

  13. Wow Suko, those mosaic sculptures are something! I agree, the iPhone camera is pretty amazing. Spring is trying to make its appearance around here too :)

    Congrats to the book winner!

  14. I like a lot, Niki de Saint Phalle works. I saw two of them in Washington DC next years ... and every year in a little town in France - Chateau-Chinon- just near where my parents are living. A small world !


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