Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: Stealing Nuts

Inspired by Leslie from Under My Apple Tree (check out her incredible photos of a Great Horned Owl nest), I was hoping to capture a photo of a bird or two stealing nuts.  Of course, they are not really stealing; I often set out unsalted peanuts for these blue birds, which I believe are Western Scrub-Jays, to fly off with and store away. They are quick and circumspect when they fly over to the gate, because they know that they aren't the only creatures in town; nature is competitive. This is the best photo I could get of the jay with my camera--my phone--this morning.  The birds have become more bold over time and swoop over to grab the peanuts while I'm still outdoors, sometimes while I'm setting out nuts on a different part of the gate!  

No brigadier throughout the year
So civic as the jay.
A neighbor and a warrior too,
With shrill felicity
~The Blue Jay, Emily Dickinson

Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce from At Home with Books


  1. Love the bird - and that amazing view. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. What a beautiful view and bird! You captured the bird at the right moment!

  3. What a great idea! I should try this sometime. Great picture! Thanks for stopping by my snapshot post, too :-)

  4. Love the bird shot. Leslie does do some amazing posts.

  5. Nice shot, Suko. I never thought of peanuts in the shell for the bigger birds, but that's a great idea.

  6. Great idea. I set out oranges and watch the birds and squirrels.

  7. Nice photo and what a beautiful view you have!

  8. Such lovely shots Suko, and what an amazing view!

  9. I love the combination of the photo with the poem.

  10. Fabulous view...and the birds against that backdrop are wonderful. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  11. Your view is lovely! Where about in this big wide world are you?

  12. Love the pics of the blue bird. It's funny how fast they learn where the best food is.

  13. The view is lovely. The bird amazing. My husband and I are moving to New Mexico and we see the scrub jays when we're out there. Hopefully I'll be sharing some photos of them soon!

  14. Oh, the birds must love you! And what a beautiful view. Do you ever sit out there and read?

  15. Yes, a gorgeous view! Even tho the blue jay is a little ornery sometimes, I like them. They are so colorful and pretty.

  16. Nice picture. We also feed the local birds and the assortment of visitors is always interesting.

    Neat poem.

  17. Nice shot, Suko.
    Here my best friend is a robin : it came during all the winter to eat in our feeder and now fly around us when we are gardening. Today, it stands in a bush during a few minutes just 30 cm (about 11 inches) from my head. I regreted a lot not to have my camera. Have a nice week !

  18. Love how you included a poem with your photograph, and after having returned from San Diego this week I do envy your climate in California. What a wonderful state!

  19. I'm glad I could provide some inspiration. You captured Jay at just the right moment and with a spectacular view!

    You will find the Jays not only getting bolder but more demanding. If my feeder has run out of peanuts in the shell, the Jay will sit in the apple tree and call, "jeeeeer, jeeeer", until I bring out more nuts. They have me trained!

  20. I didn't know about the nuts. I will have to try that! Gorgeous view !

  21. Hi Suko, I tried emailing you but it may have gone to spam. You won a copy of Darlene Panzera's book over at my blog. I just needed your mailing addy so I can forward it to the author when you get a minute.

  22. Lovely photos and I envy your gorgeous view.....awesome

  23. Western Scrub Jays are so pretty! I've only seen one blue jay since moving to Ohio, and it was quite a treat. :)

  24. Nice way to entice the bird 'model' and I like the mountain in the background too. Good shot.


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