Monday, July 1, 2013

Mailbox Monday: Just One Book

Just one book, that's all it took, yeah 
Just one book. . .
(My apologies to The Hollies)

Just one book arrived, just in the nick of time, earlier today.  I won this book, The Love Wars by L. Alison Heller, on Darlene's blog, Peeking Between the Pages.

Created by Marcia from To Be Continued, Mailbox Monday is a meme that encourages us to showcase our new books.  For the month of July, Mailbox Monday will be hosted by Tasha from Book Obsessed.  What new books arrived in your mailbox, or by other means?


  1. Congrats on the win - I hope you love the book!

  2. Looks like a good one, Suko. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Just one book, but it looks like a fun one. The title and cover definitely have me intrigued.

  4. I always say that it is not quantity it is quality!

    I personally cannot get through more then one book a week so any more then that adds to the ever growing pile of the unread.

  5. Good reading Suko ! If the book is a good one it's enough for the week.

  6. Haven't heard of this one but hope it is good enjoy

  7. Only the one? your postie must be sighing a huge sigh of relief. Happy reading.

  8. It may only be one, but it looks like a good one. Enjoy!

  9. It may be one book but it sure looks good! Enjoy :)

  10. Nice! Looks good. I got a review copy of The Interpretations by David Shaw Mackenzie in my mailbox, which I really enjoyed.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Andrew! I'm not familiar with the book you mention, but have Googled it to find out more.

  11. Looks like a great book - it's always exciting to receive a book in the mail!

  12. Suko! So happy you won—such a kick to see my book on your site! I hope you enjoy the read.

    All best,

    PS. Now that song is in my head . . . Just one look . . .

    1. Alison, thanks for stopping by! I look forward to reading your book.


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