Monday, September 23, 2013

Mailbox Monday: First Fall Books

Let's see, what new books did I receive in the mail recently?

Fiesta of Smoke by Suzan Still arrived by mail for an upcoming TLC book tour, while Unravelled by M.K. Tod arrived from France Book Tours.  I also received a couple of books that I won on other book blogs.  I won Mystery Girl by David Gordon on Harvee's blog, Book Dilettante, and The Shadow Tracer by Meg Gardiner on Kristin's blog, Always With a Book.  It's fun to win books!  Today is the last day to enter my giveaway for The Last Camellia by Sarah Jio.  I'm giving away three copies, so your chances of winning a book are increased.  Fall is the perfect season to curl up with books and a hot beverage as the days become cooler and shorter.

Created by Marcia from To Be Continued, Mailbox Monday is the consummate meme for book bloggers, bookworms, and bibliophiles.  Mailbox Monday is hosted this week by Bob from Beauty in Ruins.

What new books adorn your shelves?


  1. Unravelled looks good to me ENJOY all your books and your week.

    I hope you are enjoying ROOM...well enjoying isn't the right word for that book is it? I hope you are involved in the read. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  2. Mystery Girl looks like a good one, enjoy!

  3. Winning books is a lot of fun! I hope you love your new books!

  4. What a great collection of books. I agree it is always fun to win books. I already read The Last Camellia by Ms. Jio. I really liked it, I hope all who win it enjoys it as much as I did. "Happy Fall Reading" everyone!

  5. Congratulations on winning books. It looks like you have some great books for the Fall. I hope you have a great week.

  6. A great collection of books! Enjoy!

    I hope you like "Room". I thought it was a great book. well-written and what a story!

  7. Great mailbox Suko! Happy reading :) We have Fiesta of Smoke in common.

  8. Glad the book you won arrived! Unraveled looks good too.

  9. Fiesta of smoke I just saw on Naida's blog, I hadn't seen it before then now twice in as many minutes. It looks like a great cover, will need to go check it out properly.

    Happy reading


  10. Nice wins - a great assortment of books this week. Mystery Girl sounds so good!

  11. What a great haul. I especially like the look of Fiesta of Smoke which would be ideal for the book challenge I'm currently doing. Happy reading.

  12. Looks like you have some great books there! I can't believe it's already fall - what happened to summer?

  13. I'm currently having the same issues with blogger. I was already wondering what was going on. I also hope this gets fixed soon.

  14. Unravelled looks really good! Enjoy your new books. (I can't believe it's fall already!)

  15. I'll be looking for your thoughts on Fiesta of Smoke. Enjoy your new books!

  16. Enjoy your books and tea (or coffe ?) Suko. I have too several books on my shelves and 'll be happy to stard a new one tomorrow morning !

  17. You have some lovely looking books here!! It looks like you have plenty of good reading ahead of you. Enjoy :)

  18. Unravelled looks great! Enjoy!

  19. Would love to have your books. Loved Meg Gardiner's book. Your book just look yummy.


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If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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