Friday, October 11, 2013

The Friday 56: Coulrophobia, and the Monk Book Winner

Are you afraid of clowns?  Do you believe that their garish faces and outlandish costumes hide evil interiors?  It's difficult to say exactly how common this phobia is, or if it's prevalence is exaggerated.  But it's no mystery that Adrian Monk's list of one hundred major phobias includes coulrophobia.

" 'Hazard pay?'  Stottlemeyer snorted.  'For one thing, you're a homicide consultant, so it's always hazardous.  That's the job.
And . . . it's a clown, for God's sake.  A clown!'
'Don't say that!'  Monk shuddered and sank away."
 ~ Mr. Monk Helps Himself, Hy Conrad

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice.  If you want to play along, the rules are simple:
  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find a sentence, or a few, to share in a post. 
  • Add your post's link to the linky.

I'm also ready to announce the winner of the giveaway for Mr. Monk Helps Himself by Hy Conrad, a book I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing recently for Premier Virtual Author Book Tours.  Please help me to congratulate the lucky winner, Carol M.  Congratulations, Carol!  I think you'll enjoy reading this marvelous mystery.  If you didn't win this novel, why not take a look at the other giveaways listed in my blog's right sidebar?  You might discover another book that you'd like to win.

Thanks for reading!  Your comments are welcomed, as always.
Joseph Grimaldi clown picture courtesy of Wikipedia. 


  1. Is Mr. Monk scared of clowns? What do you think of Chaluba's new TV sitcom?

    1. Harvee, I have not seen the new sitcom. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  2. I love clowns! Monk has too many issues for my tastes... I read on book and he tested my patience on occasion. Would hate if I had a family member that quirky. Life would be a lot harder.
    Makes for a great snippet though.

    Happy weekend!

    Congrats Carol on your win!

  3. I read this book and loved the scenes about his clown phobia. Too funny!

    Congrats to Carol!

  4. Thank you so much! I know I'm going to enjoy this book!

    Thanks for the congrats!

    1. You're very welcome, Carol. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. You chose a great excerpt, but I'm not sure if I'd like the book or not! It sounds like it could be funny ... or annoying. I'll try Amazon's "Look Inside" feature and decide.
    My Friday 56 post is here: FLY OR FALL.

    1. Sandra, if you have a moment stop by my review of Mr. Monk Helps Himself to learn about the book. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Thanks for sharing that interesting excerpt. I did not know that about clowns. Congratulations to Carol!

  7. I never understood why some people were afraid of clowns. congrats to the winners

  8. I was never afraid of clowns but evan as a child I found them odd and unappealing. Perhaps I have the faintest touch of the thing that causes clown phobia.

  9. I don't suffer coulrophobia... but I don't like clowns. They never make me laugh. I'm sad whe I look at them !

    1. I know what you mean, Annie. I feel sorry for clowns.

  10. I don't blame Monk for being scared of I'm not scared of them, but I've never liked them. They make me feel uncomfortable for some strange reason.

  11. I definitely think that clowns can be creepy. My sister absolutely hates them though so they are scarier to others but I stay away from them as well :)

  12. Whilst I'm not frightened of clowns per se I generally find the clowns on films scary and was terrified of the clown of Stephen King's IT.

    'A Pall Mall cigarette dangled from his mouth, as he greeted Wanderby with the initial hesitancy of any father whose daughter had announced she was going to the movies with a man she had just met that very day.
    - Four Fathers Volume 1: For Whom The Book Tells by George Pritchard Harris.


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