Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wondrous Words Wednesday: Wild Words (from Wild Women)

I've wanted to do this for the longest time.  In addition to my 365 New Words-a-Year calendar, I have a Wild Words from Wild Women calendar, which I keep on my antique desk in the den.  This calendar features quotations (often called "quotes", as language has become more casual) from the "world's most famous and infamous women".  I decided to highlight their words this week for Wondrous Words Wednesday, as Kathy, this meme's lovely and intelligent host, says in her brief directions, "feel free to get creative!".

1. October 30:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
~ Marianne Williamson, creator of A Course in Miracles

You've probably read this before.  I know I have, numerous times.  But I had forgotten who said this, although when I was first married, I read some of Marianne Willamson's inspirational books.

2. October 31, Halloween:

"A lot of parents are strange; they say, 'Ration the candy.'  I say, "Let them eat as much as they want--they throw up, the rest is mine.'  That's how I handle Halloween."
~ Cory Kahaney, joke jock
Let them eat candy.  A fun quotation for Halloween!

3. November 1:

"Be an arrogant idiot.  You know those guys around the office who share their opinions without thinking, who rally everyone around their big (often unformed) ideas?  Be more like them.  You can afford to move a few inches in that direction."
~Tara Sophia Mohr, leadership coach
I agree that many women hold themselves back, for various reasons.  These words encourage us to have more confidence in our ideas, and to be more outspoken.  Good advice, I think.

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme, created and hosted by Kathy from BermudaOnion's Weblog, where you can share your love of words--and exercise your creativity!  What new words have you discovered recently?


  1. Great post Suko. I like that last quote on arrogant idiots. It's true though, to be heard you do have to speak up sometimes. Happy Halloween!

  2. I'm so glad you got creative because I love this post! I'm not familiar with any of those quotes and the Halloween one made me laugh.

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I had fun "bending the rules" just a bit. And thanks for hosting this terrific meme each week. It's one of my favorites.

  3. This is great concept and these are great quotes!

  4. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed the quotes!

  5. I love quotes. They make one think. Re the Nov 1 quote: I agree about being more confident but I don't think you need to be arrogant to come across as strong. An idiot is never seen as smart. :-)

    1. Laura, thanks for taking a moment to share your thoughts; you're right, idiots are not considered to be smart. I think the author of this quotation is using humor and exaggeration to make her point: that women should employ the same freedom that men have, to express our ideas without worrying (as much) about what others may think think of them.

  6. What a great feature, I love quotes whether they be moving, inspirational or just plain funny.

  7. This is a great meme! Happy Halloween!

  8. I love this post! Great way to go with this meme. All the quotes are great but the Halloween one is the best. Bet that person who would let the kids eat candy and vomit didn't have to clean it up or stay up all night with that sick child. Anyway, hope you have a Happy Halloween.

  9. Great quotes Suko! I just read the first one on my quote a day calendar too! And, lately, I feel like I'm surrounded by men who like to talk and tell everyone everything they know. Usually, I opt to remain silent and seek and excuse to leave, because I don't think that they are capable of listening to my ideas- they are too egocentric. But perhaps next time, I'll try. ;)

  10. I enjoyed this post Suko! All of the quotes are great and brought a smile to my face.

  11. I like your quotes, Suko. Quotes help us to live when time are difficult or just for the pleasure to read them when our way is easier.


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