Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #74: Dealing with Bedside Books (again!), a Giveaway Winner, and Toasted Pecans

Geez!  Why do books congregate at the sides of the bed?  I finally put some of my stacks of books in an oversized tote bag and moved them out of the bedroom, because the small bookcase by my bed was looking extremely cluttered.  My stacks of books looked about ready to topple over!  I didn't want to get rid of any books, I just wanted the area cleaned up.  It's much, much better than it was.  Next, I need to tackle the books by my husband's side of the bed (photo below).  A box or two should do the trick.  I wish we had room for more bookcases.  That would solve the challenge of having so many books! 

Hubby's bedside needs help!


As promised, I have a book winner to announce.  Jaclyn from Jaclyn at the Thrift has won a copy of Commune of Women by Suzan Still.  Congratulations, Jaclyn!  I haven't read this book, but I read and enjoyed  Fiesta of Smoke, a historical novel by the same author.

If you didn't win this time, why not take a look at the other giveaways listed on the right side of my blog?  Later this week, I'll have a new, international giveaway for an ebook edition of Unravelled by M.K. Tod, the book I'm currently reading, so please return here to enter that giveaway if you're interested.


As the days become cooler and shorter, I enjoy being indoors, warm and toasty in my home.  My cat and dog mostly "hang out" in the core of my home--the den and kitchen--so I try to spend more time with them in the evenings, reading on the couch, or working in the kitchen.  Every once in a while, I get inspired to try a new, healthy recipe while I'm in this part of my home.

Recently I've noticed recipes for toasting pecans on Joy Bauer's Food Cures, and other wonderful food websites.  Raw pecans can be toasted in an oven (or toaster oven) at 350° for about 5 -10 minutes, or in a pan on the stove top, on low to medium heat.  I've tried making them both ways, and they're simply scrumptious either way.  Lately, I've been more partial to cooking them on the stove top--so I don't have to wait for the oven to preheat.  To toast pecans in a pan, I usually add a smidgen of coconut oil to the pan, then a liberal sprinkle or two of cinnamon, and a bit of pink Hawaiian salt.  You can add whatever spices you wish to the nuts--sometimes I add cayenne.  Last time I made these--yesterday evening--I added a squeeze of raw, organic honey as well.  The toasted pecans taste rich and buttery--they are quite a treat!  I use as many organic ingredients as I possibly can, although organic pecans can be rather expensive (I wish Trader Joe's carried them!). 

Toasting pecans in a pan is very easy

Toasted pecans, ready to be enjoyed


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of.  I often announce book winners in these posts.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, then add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page

Your comments are welcomed! 


  1. Yum! I am so glad that I'm not the only one with piles of books by my bed :) I just put them all away last weekend finally!

  2. Those pecans look good and I am becoming hungry as a result of this post....

  3. I tend to accumulated books in the bedroom as well and eventually when it gets to 15-20, I relocate them as you did:) We love pecans and the toasting, cinnamon and honey sound like great options. thx

  4. Oh yes, the problem with accumulated books on the bedside. I try to limit it to 3 or 4 books at a time. But of course, they accumulate elsewhere...
    Your talk of toasted pecans made my mouth water. I love roasted nuts. Thanks for the recipe!

  5. My bedside stand holds my Nook, Kindle, iPad, remotes, pens and pencils and the book I'm reading. I have bookshelves in my Reading Corner. I also have a bookshelf for the books I've read. Each year in October our local library has a booksale and I donate the books I've read to it. Living in a small apartment it helps keep me from overflowing. I'll post a pic of what is on my nightstand today. It looks a bit messy, but everything is at my fingertips.

    I love roasted pecans, I just haven't made them lately, because I overeat when I do. ;)

  6. No stacks of books beside our bed ! Just one or two on he night tables... We just keep in our offices the books we like the best and we give the other ones. I like a lot your recipes of toasted pecans. No pecans here just nuts !

  7. I agree, we also need more book shelves or to move to a bigger house that ideally has its own library.

  8. lol Suko! That looks like my bedside too! Books do tend to just gather around. I recently bought two of those tall metal bookcases and stacked some books that way. But my one dresser is an impromptu bookshelf at the moment. The top has a row of books all lined up from one end to the other. Hubs is very understanding..lol.

    I am going to have to try toasting pecans, that sounds really yummy.

  9. My books tend to congregate in my office. It's such a mess right now I wouldn't even post a photo! I can never have enough book shelves... and I don't!

  10. Those pecans look yummy toasted.
    Congrats Jaclyn!

  11. Sumo, I love those book pictures! It's such a joy to see literal stacks, and how lucky are you to have a husband who reads! I think stacks of books everywhere is paradise, and although I put mine in baskets and shelves and cases and tables I rather think I'd like to add some to e floor as well.

  12. I have a small bookcase at the side of my bed which holds the books I read NIGHTLY - Living Words (devotions for Catholics), Bible, Through the Year with Francis of Assisi, Daily Strength for Daily Needs, Calvin & Hobbes, current book (now it is Wurthering Heights), my iPad, book of poetry (I read one poem each night). By the time I get to the end of the reading duties, I am asleep.

    1. Thanks for sharing your bedside books, Charleydog!

  13. I love this random posts of yours! I should have something similaron Lost in Fiction, mmmh.... And hubby's shelf looks a mess! :)

    1. Louisa, thank you for stopping by!

      I am not sure how to navigate Lost in Fiction with the new password requirement, so I've not left a comment in a while. How do I set up a password?

  14. Suko's, password protected posts are for my beta readers! I am publishing Supernatural Fog in instalments to get feed back from my reviewers. Wild you like to join? Will drop you an email, anyway!

  15. Nice companionable bedtime reading, Suko, judging from the books on both sides of the bed!

    Book Dilettante


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