Friday, November 15, 2013

The Winner of Unravelled, and The Friday 56

And the winner is. . .

Anna from Diary of an Eccentric!

Congratulations, Anna!  You've won an ebook edition of Unravelled by M.K. Tod.  To whet your appetite, here's a snippet from the novel, from page 56:

"Stark flashes of red lit the clouds as he rounded another corner and saw stretcher-bearers coming towards him followed by a stumbling line of German prsisoners, one of them dressed in pyjamas.  On the stretcher lay a gray-faced soldier bleeding from wounds in the arm and leg.  Edward squeezed past the smells of blood and fear."
~Unravelled, M.K. Tod

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice.  If you want to play along, the rules are simple:
  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find a sentence, or a few, to share in a post. 
  • Add your post's link to the linky.

Thanks to everyone who entered this giveaway.  Please remember to take a look at the other giveaways listed on the right side of my blog.  As a courtesy to my readers, I'm often updating and adding to the list.

As always, I welcome your comments.  Thank you for reading!


  1. Well done and happy reading to your winner.

    Thanks for sharing your excerpt, it sounds like the kind of book I'd enjoy.

    "You don't have to tell me I have a bitchy streak. ......."
    -Page 56, Bookends by Jane Green.

  2. Congrats Anna!
    Sounds like a fascinating book!

    Happy weekend!

  3. Congratulations Anna!

    That is a really good quote especially in light of the fact that it came from a random page of the book.

  4. Congrats to Anna! Unravelled sounds fantastic.

  5. I really am looking forward to reading this book...thanks for the quote. It has intrigued me just a little bit more :)

  6. Thanks so much, Suko! I can't wait to read it. :)

  7. Looks like a good book. Congrats to Anna!

  8. This sounds quite fascinating...and I love that cover... ;)


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Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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