Saturday, December 28, 2013

First Lines 2013

As 2013 draws to a close, I'm pleased to participate in an end-of-the-year meme, First Lines, for the fifth consecutive year.  Created by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, the idea of this meme is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year."  First Lines provides a unique summary of a year in reading, and writing.  It's interesting to look back at posts from each month, and to review your blog in this manner.  I keep this meme in the back of my mind all year, as a reminder to write more compelling opening sentences, especially at the beginning of each month.  I created the graphics in this post on CoolText, a terrific graphics generator that's fun, free, and easy to use (don't worry, you can choose from a wide range of colors!).  Here are my first lines from the past year.


Lines from a well-known nursery rhyme were stuck in my head. 

My mother was an avid reader of mysteries, and I'd often wish I could emulate her in this regard.

Well, at least we get a month, right?

Really, really random.

It ain't brain surgery.

Was Virginia Woolf a foodie?

Just one book, that's all it took, yeah 
Just one book. . .
(My apologies to The Hollies)

My stacks runneth over.

At times, reading a novel leads me to some sort of a project.

Are you afraid of clowns?


It feels like Christmas!

So there you have it--my year of first lines!  If any of these opening sentences lure you in, simply click on the month above the first line to access the post. Thanks for reading, and have a safe and happy New Year!


  1. This is a clever meme and the first time I've seen it. A good way to wrap up the reading year!

    1. Thanks, Harvee! It's an enjoyable meme. I am taking a short blogging break but will return soon. ��

  2. This was a fun year end post. Early Happy New Year wishes to you

  3. It's always fun to see how the year shapes up with first lines...yours sound very entertaining! The special graphics are a nice touch :)

  4. This is a fun meme. I enjoyed reading your first lines. Happy New Year!

  5. This is such a fun and neat idea. I must at least review my own results in my own mind. Your own fist lines seem to reflect a sense of fun and exuberance, September notwithstanding.

    Have a happy New Year Suko!

  6. Great first lines Suko! They show how fun your blog is. I must answer "yes" to October lol.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Great first lines, I don't have all the books I read this year as I passed a lot on but it is a lovely meme


    I hope you had a great Christmas and have a lovely new year

  8. That was an interesting fun meme. I did an end of the year book survey to end 2013. Happy Reading in 2014.

  9. I remember you doing this last year and I enjoyed it then as I do now. It is always fun to go back over our older posts and see what we had to say, isn't it? I especially enjoy peeking back to the earlier years of my blog. I hope that you have a wonderful year in 2014 Suko!

  10. As always such a fun meme, its great to take a look back like this.

    Happy new year to you and yours, I hope it sees dreams come true.

  11. Happy new year, Suko, full with love and books !

  12. What a fun meme! Happy New Year, Suko!

  13. That is such a fun idea... especially when I think of the book I am reading now - Reconstructing Amelia... the first sentence is um.... yeah :)

  14. I love this! I'll have to write better first sentences if I want to play along next year.


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