Monday, April 7, 2014

On Surfing: A Guest Post by Holly Peterson, and a Giveaway

Holly Peterson is the author of the best-selling novel The Manny, published in 2007.  Last month, I participated in the cover reveal for her new book, The Idea of Him, and today I'm honored to feature her guest post on an unexpected topic.


On Surfing: A Guest Post by Holly Peterson

Many people don’t know that I surf.  Or that I started when I was 42 years old.  It’s a pretty crazy story that is very much linked to my writing this book.  I have to go back and tell you in my thirties, like so many women, I was charging ahead at full speed and had very little time to reflect.  Now I understand that was intentional. Three kids, a horrible Manhattan renovation, a job working for a very demanding magazine, and a beautiful sister-in-law who was dying of breast cancer.  All at once.  I had no time to breathe let alone manage the sadness of Meredith being ill.

Instead, I rushed full speed ahead to just tap dance as best I could.  That August when Meredith was really dying and there was no denying it anymore, I got into the Atlantic Ocean on a clear day in Long Island, paddled out for a surf lesson, got pushed into a wave, and actually stood up on my first try.  It was just exhilarating.  I did it again, and again, and again.  And then I started going in every morning and afternoon to feel that rush…always with an instructor pushing me into waves which is fully cheating on a major level…but the point is I was standing on the board for maybe a dozen waves an hour and I didn’t care how I got in them, just that I was doing it.

I started to realize it wasn’t the surfing so much as the slowing down to reflect.  It was also the saltwater.  I believe saltwater heals.  I also think since we all came from water, that there’s something “amniotic” about floating around in water…yes, it feels like the womb somehow and we get very elemental out there in those waves.  Surfers are so nuts about their time in the water and I think it's some kind of magic nirvana out there we feel that is linked maybe 40% to the sport and 60% to the craving for the sloshing of the ocean around us.

In the water that summer, I started coming to terms with some very important things in my life.  How I needed to be on my own, how my marriage, while a great partnership, was not fulfilling either of us, how terrified I was of taking a leap out of it…all those fears and tears I put into a novel called, THE IDEA OF HIM.  It’s out this week and the protagonist Allie is facing a tough marriage, a possible divorce, a soul mate from her past who haunts her and a new sexy guy who taunts her…most of all, she’s dealing with trying to find happiness for herself.

Like so many women, Allie’s trying hard to make things work well for her family, but the stumbling blocks are just huge.  Her swirl of emotions, her escape from her past, her fears of being on her own…are not “mine” per se…but I know I created a relatable, likeable character in Allie that so many women out there will feel for and relate to and laugh and cry with…and root for and she finds strength to make some better choices for herself.  I hope everyone takes some time to reflect through sports or hobbies that they feel passionate about.

Holly, I sometimes kid around and say that I want to be a blond surfer in my next life--it sounds so appealing!  Whenever I spend time in the ocean, (which is not very often, even though I live in CA), I don't want to get out of the water, because it feels so incredible and natural to me (as it did when I was child).  Thank you for this guest post, and best of luck with your new book!


Thanks to Teddy from Premier Virtual Authors Book Tours for including me on the tour for Holly Peterson's new novel, and to both Teddy and the author for offering a giveaway for one copy of The Idea of Him (U.S./Canada only).

  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment. 
  • For another chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. 

Enter by 5 PM PDT on Monday, April 21.  One winner will be selected randomly and announced on Tuesday, April 22.  Please visit the other stops on this book tour for The Idea of Him for reviews and other features.  Thanks for reading! 


  1. I'm in my 50s and am still rushing around like that. I wish there was an ocean nearby!

  2. What an interesting post! Thanks for the giveaway, Suko!

  3. this is fascinating and lovely. Thanks for this great giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com. I am an e-mail subscriber.

  4. I am captivated with this emotional and unique post. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  5. I get that feeling being submersed in water too. Very interesting post. The book sounds wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway. I will tweet this post.

  6. Thanks for taking part in the tour and hosting Holly.

  7. Interesting post! I like being in the water also, there's something soothing about it. The sound of the ocean especially. The Idea of Him sounds like a good one. It's always nice to hear a bit about the authors inspiration.

    1. Soothing is the perfect way to describe the feeling, especially when the sea is calm. Thanks for your comment, Naida.

  8. I am going to start this book this evening and after reading the review, I am ready to dive right in. (Pun intended) ;)

    1. I hope you will share your thoughts about the book, Gigi Ann!

    2. My book tour day is May 2nd. Will post about it then.

  9. I've never surfed before, but its cool that you found something to release the tension. Last year I've acquired two dogs (the second will be a very long story...) and this year my family and I got into frequent dog walking. Whenever I watch them do doggy things, I always get a smile. (Helps that one of them is a chatterbox dachshund...)

    1. Oops, forgot to mention my email:

    2. I love walking my dog as well. Thanks for adding to the conversation, Sveta!

  10. Great post.

    There really is something about the ocean. I have similar feelings and it has inspired me into some insightful thinking.

    The post also makes me think of the lyrics from the Who album Quadrophenia.

    "The beach is a place where a man can feel
    He's the only soul in the world that's real"

    I must bow out of the giveaway as my TBR is out of control.

  11. Enjoyable guest post, thank you.

    Whilst I love the sea and especially when its stormy as the North Sea all too often is I'm afraid that's as far as it goes as as a person who doesn't like their faced so much as splashed surfing just isn't something I'd even contemplate doing.

  12. Someday I will surf or jump out if a plane somedAy.

  13. Would love to read the book

  14. Great guest post - thanks for mentioning it, Suko.
    I watched surfers a few weeks ago while in Florida (on the Gulf) and thought they must love unwinding this way at the end of the day. It was 6pm - bet that gets a lot of surfers through their day just knowing they'll be in the water soon!

  15. I like, "Like so many women, Allie’s trying hard to make things work well for her family, but the stumbling blocks are just huge." This sounds like an interesting book and I love how Holly Peterson started surfing at the age of 42!

  16. The way to improving your surfing is finding a harmony between physical practice and vitality work (representation and conviction work).Surf Training


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