Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Lines 2014

At last--my wait is over!  I don't like time to pass too quickly, but I do look forward to this special meme all year long.  Created by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, A Year in First Lines is a once-a-year, end-of-year meme, that creates a personal collage of your year in reading and writing.  Simply stated, the idea of this meme is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year".  It's a lot of fun, and I encourage other book bloggers to try it.  As a reader, you'll recall and think about some of the books that you read over the past year (which is valuable when you read a lot of books).  As a writer, you'll note the strength of your opening sentences.  (Are they good enough to "catch" readers?  Do they show variety?)  I could go on and on, but since it's an extra busy time of the year, here are my first lines.

Do your bookstacks defy gravity?

When Irish playwright and novelist Dermot Davis contacted me about reading his self-published book, Brain: The Man Who Wrote the Book That Changed the World, winner of the 2013 USA Best Book Awards for humor, I knew I wanted to read it.

After Caroline Sommer's husband of fifteen years, Scott, announces that he's "had enough", he methodically packs a suitcase and leaves her alone at home in Columbus, Ohio, with their three young children, Henry, 5, Maggie, 7, and Jack, 9, and Caroline is understandably distraught and confused.

Did she or didn't she? 

Most of you already know what a cozy mystery or "cozy" is, but for those who require a bit of help, it's a mystery that's not too gory or violent.

Although I have never had an eating disorder, I've struggled at various times with weight and appearance issues, like many women.

Which characteristic do you value most in a female protagonist?

When Laura from Italy Book Tours invited me to participate in the tour for The Supreme Macaroni Company by Adriana Trigiani, I was overjoyed.

Author Tanya J. Peterson does not shy away from difficult subjects in her books.

In My Thinning Years: Starving the Gay Within, a memoir by Jon Derek Croteau, published in September of 2014, the author talks a lot about his father, a bully who constantly criticized his wife and three children, Jared, Julie, and Jon.

Is there a term for someone who collects words?


To read beyond these first lines, simply click on the month above them.  Not surprisingly, my year in reading and writing was rather eclectic.  Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful holiday season!  


  1. Oh... -What a fun meme. I think I remember it from last year and will try to make a mental note to participate next year. I love all of your intros.

  2. How fun -- I especially love December's finish to the year ;) Looks like you've have a varied year with lots happening and many different kinds of books read and discussed. So glad you shared these! Mine will be appearing in the next week or so...

    1. Melwyk, as you know I really look forward to doing this special meme. It gives you a unique snapshot of your blog. I thought about some variations as well. You could do last lines from posts, or make a collage of quotes from the books you've read. Anyway, thanks for creating this meme! I will be by your post of Year in First Lines.

  3. This is really a neat and fun meme. It is interesting how the sentences do illustrate the wide variation in your posts.

    May 2015 be great year for reading and blogging!

  4. What a fun meme! This post was interesting to read.

  5. What a fun meme, I played it one year. It's funny some of the things we start each month writing about. Have a happy 2015.

  6. I love this--I get a sense of who you are and how you blog and what you like to read, although the "Boop-oop-a-doop!" has me stumped!

    I might give this a whirl myself :)

  7. What a fun idea to review one's year! I love end of the year posts, and looking at what everyone has read, or written, in 2014. It's so fun to review, and gain some ideas for 2015.


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