Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Salon: Back at Last!

Finally!  I am back after my longest yet posting hiatus.  I've been reading, but at a relaxed pace.  The past few months I've been extra busy with my family and work, so I took a much needed break from blogging this summer, although I did visit other blogs, and posted numerous book giveaways hosted by others.  Anyway, I've had a good summer, and I hope you have, too.  I spent a lot of time with my eldest daughter, who is now in Japan. We went on many morning runs together, and she also helped out at the office.  Our time together is priceless to me.  My younger daughter will be leaving for college soon, so I've also felt the need to spend time with her, although she's often out of the house, making the most of her summer with friends who live nearby.


Reading Nagasaki

Last month, I read Nagasaki by Éric Faye.  I chose this novella to read during the weekend that my daughter was leaving for Japan.  I plan to post a brief review of this book for Dolce Bellezza's Japanese Literature Challenge fairly soon.

I also read The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers recently, which I enjoyed a great deal.  I'd read so much about this book, and it was even better than I thought it would be.  I'm "friends" with the author on Facebook, which is very cool (Facebook is great in some ways).  How times change!  This type of communication or connection is still pretty remarkable to me, because when I grew up, it was a huge deal to have any contact with authors.  Many years ago, my younger sister, Amy, wrote to Maurice Sendak, and when he wrote her back and included an illustration, it was an exciting event.  I can't speak for the whole family, but my sister, mother, and I loved his work, and I still do.


This is my first Sunday Salon post. Thanks for tuning in with me!  I hope to post a review soon. :)


  1. Welcome back! It sounds like this is a very exciting time for your daughters. How long will your daughter be in Japan? Will you get to visit her there?

  2. So happy that you had a wonderful summer with your daughters before their lives take new paths -- so special those times I am sure.

    I am happy that you are back; you were missed.

  3. Glad you enjoyed a good summer break. I am like you I am often in awe of the fact that the internet provides such instant communication with authors and other readers. Not good for my TBR but very exciting!

  4. Welcome back Suko! I am happy to see that you are posting again.

    I also have been thinking about how the digital world has allowed us to communicate with authors like never before. I have chatted with a several authors on twitter, a couple of which I have read and admired for years. The digital age is opening up so many doors.

  5. Great to have you back with us after what sounds like a wonderful break.

  6. Very nice Sunday Salon post! Welcome back!

  7. Nice to see you back. I'm glad you've been enjoying the summer with your daughters. Social media is amazing. So is connecting with authors. I'm looking forward to more of your Sunday Salons.

  8. Nice to read your post, Susan. I think you made a great decision to spend time with family vs. blogging.
    Re Maurice Sendak - I stood in line at Marshall Field's in downtown Chicago one Christmas season to get a signed copy of The Nutcracker. He was very nice and I treasure the book.

  9. So happy to see you back, I agree family and life needs to come first but it is really nice to see you back. Sounds like a lovely much needed break.


  10. Glad that you have had such a wonderful summer! My blogging has been pretty spotty as well for awhile now but I'm just trying to go with the flow and do what I can :) I just received a copy of Accidents of Marriage by Myers and I am super excited to read it. Hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend (as this comment is late of course)!

  11. Welcome back! I missed reading your posts but glad to see you had a nice break and some time with your daughters.

  12. I'm glad your back - I've missed reading your posts. It sounds like you had a great break and read some very interesting books. I'll be reading my first Randy Susan Meyers book shortly and your review makes me excited to find out what her books are like!

  13. Welcome back Susan! Best of luck to your lovely daughters :)
    Isn't it neat how social media can connect us all? I have The Comfort of Lies on my TBR but haven't gotten to it yet.
    Happy weekend :)

  14. I'm glad to see you active again. Nagasaki makes me a painful thinking of the past accident in Japan.

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  15. Wow Japan! How exciting. You're lucky to have a good relationship with your daughters. That's something I always wished I had with my mom. It's good to take advantage of that time.


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