Wednesday, December 23, 2015

First Lines 2015

It's the most wonderful time, of the year.  Created by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, A Year in First Lines is a once-a-year, end-of-year meme.  The idea of this meme intrigued me right away.  The basic idea is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year". 

As many of you know, I haven't been blogging much this past year.  In fact, I skipped a few months  completely this year (the first time since I started this blog), so those months will not have "first lines".  This year, I've added images from the featured posts.  (I truly have not been blogging enough! When did it become possible to simply drag and drop images, from my blog, onto my Desktop, and into new posts?  It's certainly easy. Way to go, Blogger!)

This is my seventh time to post this meme, which creates a unique collage or summary of your blog over the past year.  It reminds me all year long to try to write interesting opening lines.  Below are my "first lines" from the past year.  If you're interested in reading more, simply click on the month above them.

I am a master at slow reading.

It's time to give thanks.  Thank you, CoolText!
(I'm usually such a stickler--one line only-- but I included this second line because CoolText really deserves thanks and kudos.  I use CoolText to create original graphics quite often, including the First Lines logos above, and the Book Winner logo below.)

How do you entice a reluctant young reader?

Three may be a crowd, but it's also the magic number in this novel.

Pleasant Day is Southern fiction, published in 2015, the eighth novel by author Vera Jane Cook

These very hungry caterpillars are on a restricted diet.

(I didn't post.)


(I didn't post.)

(I didn't post.)

Thanks, Amy!

Don't hate me because I'm a book blogger. 


My year in reading and blogging was, once again, quite eclectic, and as already noted, I posted rather infrequently.  I've cut back on book tours, but I'm glad I chose to participate in some, because that "forced" me to write up a few posts.  I enjoy this meme, and look forward to it all year long.  Please feel free to try it if the idea appeals to you as well.  Tracy from Pen and Paper also does this special meme, and she posted her brilliant First Lines recently.   

I do wish I had posted more often over the past nine months.  It's been harder to post now that I'm at the office full-time.  Perhaps next year I'll be able to post more frequently again.  Thanks very much for reading, and have a wonderful holiday season!


  1. I love the addition of images from each first post! Some years are just harder than others when it comes to making time to blog...never feel bad about it, we're just glad you blog when you can :)

    1. Thanks, Melwyk! I had fun doing this meme. I hope you'll post your first lines, too.

  2. That is always a fun meme each year. I only did it one year, but always enjoy looking over your first lines. I am thinking about no longer blogging publicly, just on my private blog. I'm just getting lazy and hate to try to think up reviews for each book I read. On my private blog I can blog about other things besides my reading.

    1. Gigi Ann, I know it takes a lot of time and energy to post. But, it is also great fun to share your posts and reviews with others, I think. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I would never hate you because you're a book blogger! Or, for any reason whatsoever. Merry Christmas, Suko!

  4. Thanks for sharing Suko. This is really neat meme. It is an original and interesting way to recap the year.

    Happy holidays to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Brian! Happy holidays to you and your family!

  5. Thanks for sharing this post. I'm going to plan to join in after Christmas. It is so much fun. Some of your first lines actually remind me of things I've been thinking about lately! Blogging and reading takes a lot of time. I understand that it can be difficult while working. I look forward to hearing from you when you have time. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    1. Pat, Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving great comments all year.

  6. I enjoyed your post, Susan. I'm always amazed at the bloggers who also work a full-time job. I say blog when you can/want - as long as you enjoy it.

  7. A tradition I've grown to love, it's wonderful to have a catch-up like this.

    1. Tracy, your First Lines reminded me of this terrific meme earlier this month--thank you! Have a happy Christmas and a merry New Year!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Yvonne! This is a super fun, easy meme. Merry Christmas!

  9. Dear Vicki,

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! I just saw your Jodi Picoult post for the perpetual reading challenge. Thank you for thinking that up. It's a great idea! Wishing you all the best in 2016!

  10. Hi Susan, great first lines! I like January especially. I first learned of this meme through you, it's a fun one.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Creating this post must have made you reminisce of the past blogging year! I also had a hard time keeping up with my blogging when I began to work full-time but eventually you will adapt and make time for it if it still means alot to you. :-)

  12. I really like this post - the first lines are intriguing and it is a good review of what you read through the year. Have a Happy New Year's!

  13. A post I always look forward to as not only is it such fun but it is also a great tribute to the year.

    Thank you for the mention.

    Best wishes for 2016.

  14. I loved this post and actually added a few of your reads to my wish list. Happy Hew Year and the best is being wished for you and yours.

  15. Thanks for all of the comments, and happy New Year! I hope the year ahead will be a great year, and a great reading year, for all of us. Cheers!

  16. I always enjoy your First Lines post - and never remember to do it myself!

  17. Here is wishing you a great new year, I thank you so much for your comments on my posts

  18. I really need to do one of these. Here is to a lot of new books and a wonderful new year to you and your family Suko.



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