Monday, January 11, 2016

Mailbox Monday: New Books for the New Year

It's been a long time since I participated in Mailbox Monday!  It's not that I haven't been getting books in the mail, or elsewhere, it's just that it can be rather time consuming to track where my books came from, and to add all of the book, author, and blog links.  (I'm sure many of you can relate.) Anyway, I cast aside my laziness in this regard, because I do want to post more often this year.  ;)

Here are the new books I've gotten recently.  I won some of them on other blogs.

I won Unlocking Worlds: A Reading Companion for Book Lovers by Sally Allen and Book Life: A Book Lover's Journal by William Mc Kay from Vicki's blog, I'd Rather Be At The Beach and iRead Book Tours.

I won the Brenda Jackson mini notebook and cowboy bookmark from Renee's blog, Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot.

Paradise Drive by Rebecca Foust is from Poetic Book Tours for an upcoming tour date, as mentioned in my previous post.

The I Heart Trader Joe's Vegetarian Cookbook by Kris Holchek Peters was a Christmas gift from my husband.  I didn't see it under the tree on Christmas morning, and so my sweet hubby presented it to me several days later (it was nice to get a "late" Christmas gift).  I really do love Trader Joe's and know that I'll enjoy trying some of these recipes.  I hope to participate in some food-related reading challenges this year, like the one created several years ago by Margot from Joyfully Retired, Foodies Read, which will be hosted in 2016 by The Spirit Blog.  I'm a bit of a foodie. Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows this--I take a lot of pictures of food!

Thursday, 1:17 PM, is a (uniquely titled) new book by Michael Landweber that I received in the mail from Catherine from Coffeetown Press.  This book will be available to the public in May of 2016.

So there you have it, my most recent "Mailbox" books!  Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia from To Be Continued, and is now hosted on its own blog with the help of Vicki, Leslie, and Serena.  What did you find in your mailbox recently?  Have a terrific Monday, and thanks for reading! 


  1. Nice mailbox! That cowboy bookmark will certainly be fun to use!

  2. Great books to find in your mailbox! I really enjoyed Unlocking Worlds by Sally Allen. I came home this weekend to find The Painter's Daughter by Julie Klassen in my mailbox - a welcome surprise!

  3. Vicki,

    Thank you for letting me know who created the Foodies Read challenge. I will edit my post. Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a wonderful week!

  4. Nice mailbox.

    Love your books display.

    Have a wonderful reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  5. Oh, you have some intriguing titles...all are new to me. I really like the idea of the Trader Joe's cookbook. Enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I love books about books so the Sally Allen books looks really good to me.

    I think that it would be really neat if Book Life: A Book Lover's Journal came out in some kind of digital form.

  7. Looks like some terrific books to start the new year off with. Congratulations on your wins. I will be looking forward to reading/seeing more about your new cook book.

  8. I love Trader Joe's so that cookbook would be fun.

  9. Congrats on your wins! You are going to love Unlocking World. Sally Allen is a kindred spirit for book lovers. :-)

  10. I've missed your posts, but glad to hear you'll be back in 2016. I really hope you love Paradise Drive

  11. What a wonderful way to start the year!

  12. I don't think it is so much a case of laziness, as as you say it can be quite time consuming and sometimes things have to take a back seat as we prioritise.

    Anyway, great post. Happy reading.

  13. That TJ's cookbook looks very tempting! Have fun reading and cooking :)

  14. Congrats on your wins! Very nice mailbox this week. The Trader Joe's cookbook looks really good. Enjoy!

  15. Paradise Drive should be a good reading experience. I looked at some of the reviews and was impressed by her words and the review comments. Enjoy it!

  16. Awesome haul! Congratulations on winning things too. Always fun to win things.

  17. Looks like you have a lot of nice reading to look forward to. I use to cook, but now it is just me and hubby, and I just cook things I can take from the freezer to the oven or microwave. And I don't have the energy I had when I was a youngster like you. ; )

  18. What fun - you have some great books to look forward to!

  19. I love you David Bowie picture on the sidebar. With Alan Rickman passing away today as well, it's been a bummer of a week.

  20. Nice haul! I like that Book Lover's Journal! I'll have to check that out! Hope you love all of these books and bookish items! :)

  21. Thanks for all of the terrific comments! :)

  22. Wow Susan, great new books for the new year! The Trader Joe's one looks awesome, enjoy!

  23. I haven't read any of those, I am so loving the bookmark!



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