Saturday, January 16, 2016

Tahini Broccolini

How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.  I shop at Trader Joe's so often that I'm almost embarrassed by the frequency.  Shopping at Trader Joe's enhances my mood.  The food is high-quality and healthy, and the prices are very reasonable.  While they don't carry everything, they do have a a lot of great stuff, and much of it's organic--yay!  Additionally, the people who work at Trader Joe's are helpful and friendly, the island-themed decor is appealing, the background music is fun (gotta sing along), and the food samples are tasty (at the very least, I have a tiny cup of coffee, which fuels my after-work shopping).  I could go on and on.

Like the author of the The I Heart Trader Joe's Vegetarian Cookbook, Kris Holchek Peters, I think that Trader Joe's is the best.  I recently made a trip to Trader Joe's (luckily, we live very close to one!) to pick up a couple of things I needed to try out the Tahini Broccolini recipe from the cookbook. (I received this cookbook as a Christmas present from my sweet hubby, as mentioned in my last post.)  I needed the two most important ingredients in the recipe, broccolini and tahini sauce.

Of course, I bought more than just those two items (it's impossible to resist the tempting goodies at TJ's, many of which are now staples in our home), and I made an exciting discovery--organic coconut milk!  I will use this the next time I make curry.  But for now, here is the recipe for Tahini Broccolini.

Grilled in the panini press

2 (8-ounce) packages of Trader Joe's Broccolini, ends slightly trimmed
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 (8-ounce) container Trader Joe's Tahini Sauce

Serves 3 - 4
I've "rewritten" the directions for this simple recipe just a bit.  The basic idea is to season the broccolini with the olive oil, salt, and pepper, then to roast or grill it for about 8 - 10 minutes, until the stalks are tender (but still crisp), and to serve it with the tahini sauce.  I used 1 (8-ounce package) of Trader Joe's Organic Broccolini and about half of the 8-ounce container of Trader Joe's Tahini Sauce, as this was a side dish for two, me and my husband.  I was intrigued by the idea in the cookbook, to grill the broccolini in a panini press.  I'd never thought of doing that before.  I grill sandwiches in the panini grill, but that's about it.  Our panini press is on the small side, so I grilled the broccolini in two batches, using a medium heat.

After grilling the broccolini, I put it in a warm oven (about 250º) for a few minutes, to heat up the cold tahini sauce, and to keep the vegetables warm; then I sprinkled it with some oregano (because I can't leave well enough alone).  It really is delicious! 

This particular recipe is vegan and gluten-free.  The I Heart Trader Joe's Vegetarian Cookbook features 150 recipes, and includes a vegan version of every recipe.  I may try several other recipes from this cookbook.  The Tuscan Tomato Soup, African Peanut Stew, and Thai Lentil Simmer sound especially tempting. 


I'm linking this post to Weekend Cooking, hosted by Beth Fish Reads, and Foodies Read 2016, hosted by The Spirit Blog.

Thanks for reading!  Are you also a Trader Joe's fan(atic)?  Your comments are welcomed.


  1. My wife and I cook a lot. We often (but not always) try to cook healthy.

    We also like Trader Joe's a lot.

    I do not think that I ever had Broccolini but I love both Broccoli and broccoli raab so I think that I would like it.

  2. We don't have Trader Joe's, but our local natural foods store is large and fantastic, with similar types of goodies, lots of locally grown, organic vegetables, deli and sushi bar, lots of made in house bread, etc. That tahini broccolini does sound good.

  3. Ooh yummy, this would definitely make a great side dish.

  4. We don't have a Trader Joe's near here, that I know of. The recipe sounds easy and good. My favorite way of cooking. I love easy, and hope it will be good.

  5. Looks yummy.

    Thanks for sharing.


  6. I too have never thought of using my panini press for veggies. What a great idea. We have Trader Joes and I love several of their products.

    1. Beth, thanks for hosting this great challenge, and for stopping by. The broccolini was very good. I had forgotten how delicious tahini sauce is!

  7. Vicki, it was fun to use the panini press in this way. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love Trader Joe's. This recipe sounds (and looks) delicious!

  9. Well this does sound good and easy! Thank you. I love Trader Joes but live about 40 min from one - we usually go once a month or so. Their prices are great and I especially love their yogurt, teas, hot & sweet mustard, fruits and veggies and a few frozen items we always buy. Never noticed music in that store though:)

  10. I make a Trader Joe's trip about once a month. I love their Heart Healthy Blueberry Oatmeal.

  11. I love TJ's too. It's quite a drive for me, but when I go I always stock up and, of course, buy too much. The samples are always so tasty and I can't resist them. Thanks for this simple, but great recipe. I added the ingredients to my list.

  12. I am a huge fan of TJ. They sometimes have some really good people cooking with some great recipes.

  13. This looks amazing! Unfortunately TJ's is about 30 minutes from house. I wish one was closer. This recipe looks delicious. I like that it is gluten-free too. Thanks for sharing this recipe'. I'm glad you enjoyed it & the book.

  14. We don't have a Trader Joe's where I live- sounds like I am missing out a bit! This recipe sounds delicious though- thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Very cool that you put the recipe book to good use already! "Shopping at Trader Joe's enhances my mood."...I know what you mean. I'm lucky to have one about 15 minutes away from home and am there once a week for my smoothie ingredients and some groceries. There's a bigger Trader Joe's about 30 minutes away that I've been meaning to visit. Your Tahini Broccolini looks yummy! And the Thai Lentil Simmer recipe sounds like a good one. I like lentils.
    Enjoy the cookbook!

  16. I must admit, I've never been to Trader Joe's! I'm not sure if there is one around here or not, but I'll have to keep my eye out. The cook book sounds very interesting, and your recipe looks delicious. I love how you included pictures.

  17. I haven't been to Trader Joe's in awhile, but this looks like a great cookbook. The broccolini looks delicious.

  18. I wish I had a Trader Joes nearby. Love the recipe though, thanks for sharing.

  19. This looks delicious - great idea to use the panini press for more than just paninis! I love tahini sauce, this must have tasted great.

  20. I will have to try that tahini sauce!

  21. I will have to try that tahini sauce!

  22. I love your David Bowie picture on the sidebar. Too many greats have been passing away this month!

  23. love broccolini, and tahini, and saying broccolini tahini is fun too! am guessing it would work with kale too, if everyone isn't kale-ed out by now!

  24. I adore TJs and am always sad we don't have them here, however, it does give me something to pick up when I am on the mainland, or ask family/friends to bring when they come to visit and you'll find my pantry stocked with several of their non/less perishable items. ;-) I have yet to try the tahini sauce but it sounds delicious.

  25. I have never heard of this before, that dinner looks lovely though!


  26. A non-meat eater I'm always on the look out for new recipes for Mr T to try out as as you know I'm a disaster in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing.

  27. sounds delicious. I'm fortunate to be able to grow my own broccoli in Summer-Fall, it beats any shop

    1. Homegrown broccoli would be the best. I grow broccoli sprouts from time to time, but that's it for broccoli. If you like Tahini then you might want to try this easy recipe. Thank you for stopping by, Emma!

  28. Yes, TJs as we fondly call it, is popular in our family. I usually shop there twice a week. Have you tried their Pepper and Salt Pistachios? Yum.
    I like the idea of using my Foreman grill for this veggie dish you describe.


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