Saturday, October 22, 2016

This or That Book Tag

Mention the creator of the tag. 
Thank the person who tagged you. 
Tag other people and spread the love. 

Thanks to Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit, for tagging me in the This or That Book Tag, and to Ayunda from Tea & Paperbacks, the creator of this book tag.

1) Reading on the couch or reading in bed?
Both!  It depends on what time it is.  I also love to read in a La-Z-Boy chair, with my feet up.  That is pure luxury to me! 

2) Main character: Male or Female?
I've certainly enjoyed both over the years, but I think that now I  prefer a female main character, because I can relate to her more closely. 

3) Sweet or salty snacks while reading?
I don't usually snack while reading.  Only once in a while, I'll have a bowl of pretzels, or an apple, while I read.  But, I may have a cup of tea, or coffee (if it's early in the day) as I read.

4) Trilogies or quartets?
Not usually.  The last one I attempted was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, and I only finished the first book.

5) First Person or Third Person POV?
I enjoy both.  But there is something about First Person POV which draws you in more closely, perhaps. 

6) Night or morning reader?
Once in a (very) blue moon, I read in the morning, in bed or on the couch, before my day begins. But usually, I read in the late afternoon, evening, or night. 

7) Libraries or bookstores?
Another tough choice!  I am a huge fan of Amazon, I adore traditional bookstores of all sizes, and I love our public library, which has a sweet little bookstore in it that sells discounted books and cards.  So, once again, my answer is both!

8) Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?
Most of the books I read are touching, but also have humor in them.  I only read a handful of primarily "funny" books.  I gravitate toward more serious fare, for the most part. 

9) Black or white book covers?
Hmm . . .   do you mean the background?   I like interesting covers. They could be black, white, or black and white--or colorful! 

10) Character driven or plot driven stories?
Characters are more important to me, probably because I don't usually read action-packed stories.

What do you think?
The Book Bloggers  I tag are:

Bellezza from Dolce Bellezza

Gigi Ann from Ann's Reading Corner 

Harvee from Book Dilettante

Kathy from BermudaOnion's Weblog

Laura from Laura's Reviews

Naida from The Bookworm

Pat from Posting For Now

Sheila from Book Journey

Tracy from Pen and Paper

If you are not on this list but the idea appeals to you, please feel free to play along!  Thanks for reading!  Your comments are welcomed.   :)


  1. Thanks for tagging me Suko. I enjoyed your responses and have been contemplating what mine will be!

    1. Thank you, Pat! I look forward to reading your responses.

  2. Great answers, Suko! I'm a huge Amazon fan too.

  3. I agree with you on first person POV - it makes a book feel like someone's telling you a story.

  4. So fun to learn more about you, and here we've been blogging together for as long as I can remember! You are sweet to tag me, and breathe new life into my posts; a meme hasn't been in my queue for ages, and I miss them. I'll post it soon. xo

    1. Dear Bellezza, I hope you will find some time to do this Book Tag! Happy weekend!

  5. Interesting and interesting answers Suko.

    They seem to be very universal when taking about bookish people.

    Your reading/snacking choices are similar to mine:)

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers. We have many of the same reading choices. Thanks for tagging me!

    1. Naida, I hope you have time for this one--it's fun!

  7. This was fun to read but, I often find the questions tough to answer:) I'm a huge Amazon fan for their prices, fast delivery and of course convenience but, I also love bookstores.

  8. Really good one, I am with you I don't really eat snacks when reading but wouldn't be nuts.


  9. Thank you for leaving a comment, and for participating, Vicki! :)

  10. Thanks for the tag, Suko. I'm going to have to think on the answers for this one!

    1. Harvee, I am interested to read your answers. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. I finally did it after being tagged twice!

  11. I really enjoyed reading your answers! It seems like we had similar thoughts on some of these; it was hard to choose one or the other.

    1. Anna, I almost wanted to call it the This and That Book Tag! Thanks for leaving a comment. :)

  12. Thanks for tagging me, I will try to post sometime today. I haven't played a meme for close to a year, this will be a change of pace for me.

  13. How fun! Your answers are very similar to what mine would be. I'm not really a snacker, maybe just a cup of tea while reading, and I read a lot in the afternoons and the evenings. I tend to prefer a character driven story, too. :)

  14. Thanks again for including me. You can find my Tag here ...

  15. What fun! I've played tag on the blogopshere before, but it's been a while since it's hit my ring. I'm with you on first person, but I could read any time of the day--and usually want to at the least convenient times.

    1. Hi, Crystal! I'm so glad you stopped by. This meme is super fun. Please feel free to participate if it appeals to you and you have some time to play. :)

  16. This is s a great wee meme, I just seen it over at Tracys at Pen and Paper, will try and get this up on my blog maybe tomorrow. xxx


  17. So here it is December, and I haven't posted this fun meme nor muchnof anything else, but I'm comforted that you, too, have not had much to say. Or so it would seem. What a strange year it's been for blogging, I hope 2017 will be better. Until then, Merry Christmas, dear Suko!


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