Saturday, December 31, 2016

First Lines 2016

Since 2009, I've posted this special meme, and I was determined to keep this fun, annual tradition in 2016.  Created by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, A Year in First Lines is a once-a-year, end-of-year meme.  The idea is simple yet brilliant. Take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year.  This year, I'm posting on the very last day of the year! 😀

 To read any post in its entirety, click on the month of the post.

The first one should be extraordinary, or at least special in some way.

First Book of the Year 2016

Fans of cozy mysteries, I have a spectacular book giveaway for you!

A Cozy Giveaway



Really Random Tuesday #96

Spring is a sublime season. 

The Jane and Bertha in Me

I didn't post.😔

These days, I tend to rely on Instagram and texting to communicate with family and friends.

Saturday Snapshot: Pride and Prejudice

I didn't post.😔

I'll  admit right away that I cannot be objective.

Saris and a Single Malt

Typically, field guides are books that help interested readers identify wildlife such as plants or animals, or natural objects, such as minerals, designed to be brought into the "field" or area where the  objects exist.

Field Guide to the End of the World

Imagine the possibilities! 

Saturday Snapshot: May Designs

I didn't post.😔

Holiday greetings!

Pick Me Up

As you can see, I did not post every month this year.  While I visited the blogs of others and left numerous comments throughout the year, I did not post as often as I have in the past.   Oh, well!  It's hard to fit everything in, isn't it?  But, I enjoyed the posting I did do, which is important to me. 

Please feel free to post your own First Lines from the year, which will create a unique sort of collage of your blog.

 Wishing all of my readers a happy and healthy New Year!  Your comments are appreciated. 😃


  1. Memes like these are a good way to look back on what you've done during the year. It also helps to set up new goals for the upcoming year. :-)

  2. This is fun, especially your March line! Happy New Year!

  3. What a fun look back on 2016. Wishing you Peace, joy and good health in 2017. for you and yours

  4. Quality is better than quantity. Your posts are always quality. Thanks for visiting my blog this year. It is always a joy to hear from you. Happy New Year Susan!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Pat! I adore your blog. Here's to a great New Year of blogging!

  5. Thank you for the recap! Nine months out of 12 is pretty good :)

  6. Thank you for the comments! I look forward to doing this meme all year. :)

  7. I love your first lines for every month of the year. I like that you posted pictures too - so interesting to look back over a year to see what you wrote about!


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