Sunday, January 1, 2017

First Book of the Year 2017

I will begin the new reading year with a Japanese novel, The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa, a book that my daughter, Jasmine, recommended to me.  I've been meaning to read it for a while now, and I've kept it on the top of a stack of books in my room as a reminder.  (I couldn't resist reading a few pages of it on New Year's Eve.)

This is the third time I've participated in The First Book of the Year, hosted by Sheila from Book Journey.  What is your first book of 2017?


  1. I've been wanting to read that for a while. Happy New Year!

  2. Like Kathy (Bermudaonion), I have this one on my to read list. I hope you enjoy it! Have a Happy New Year, Suko!

  3. Happy New Year Suko! I'm not familiar with you book, but I hope you enjoy it :)

  4. Nice choice! I've heard really good things about this book as well. Enjoy!!

  5. Terrific photo Susan! I hope you love your first book for the year. Happy New Year!

  6. What a great picture! A very Happy New year and hope you enjoy the book!

  7. Happy New Year. I read this for bookclub in 2015, hope you enjoy it.

  8. That title is intriguing! Hope you love your first book and that you have a wonderful reading year in 2017!

  9. I hope you love it, Susan. It's been on my To Read list for a while. Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year Suko!

    The plot of this book looks very interesting. I am curious to know what you think about it.

    Happy reading in 2017!

  11. I read this book a few years ago. I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to your thoughts.

  12. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your review!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Eriko! Having been to Japan makes the book even better to me! :)

  13. Oh, oh, oh! I LOVE this book! I feel like reading it all over again, just by looking at your lovely picture. I will look for your review so that I can share your thoughts, and link it to my Japanese Literature Challenge. I hope you like it as much as I do, and what a great present from your daughter!

    1. Bellezza, I am enjoying the book very much so far, and learning some math as well. I'm so glad that I finally started reading it! Thank you for stopping by.

  14. Sadly I wasn't able to join in as I'd hoped ... computer issues.

    What sounds like a great start to 2017, I hope you enjoy it.

    If you'd like to do so you can find my First Book on my blog today.

  15. Happy New Year, and Happy reading! I'm currently reading Darcy by Any Other Name by Laura Hile.

  16. I am out of the loop. This one is one I have not heard of. I hope you enjoy it!

  17. Hi Suko,

    This sounds like a really intriguing storyline, although I'm not 100% sure it's one for me. Definitely a great book to kick off the New Year though.

    My first read is technically a carry over from the end of 2016 and 'Deacon's Folly' is another one of those books which I was really uncertain about when I accepted the review request. It is however, turning into one of the most skilful and perceptive pieces of writing I have come across for some considerable time, even though I still can't quite fathom out how it is all going to end and I only have a few pages left to go.

    'Happy New Year' :)


  18. Belated New Year greetings.

    I've read about this book and have wanted to read it.

  19. I've just finished up all of my reviews from the last part of December. The first book I'm almost finished with for 2017 is So Big by Edna Ferber. It's a Pulitzer Prize winner from 1925 and my book club pick for this month!

  20. Happy New Year lovely lady, I haven't heard of this one so will be nice to hear your thoughts. xxx


  21. I also was reading at the same time Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly which was a fantastic book - I can't wait to see the movie!

  22. I'm a little late, but Happy New Year. Sounds like you got off to a great reading start.

  23. Replies
    1. Laura, thanks for checking in with me. :)
      I finished reading this book a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I will post about it, but it's truly a wonderful book.

  24. Hi beautiful lady, happy reading! I've just actually finished The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which my daughter recommended as well. Our daughters have good reading tastes :)


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