
Here a meme, there a meme, everywhere a meme, meme.

Many years ago, when I first encountered memes, I didn't understand what they were.  Sure, I got books in the mail, but what on earth was Mailbox Monday?  I wondered what Wondrous Words Wednesday was all about.  Why were countless bloggers answering the same set of questions, and then asking others to do the same thing?  Over the years, though, I've become more familiar with the memes that are popular with book bloggers.  For those of you less familiar with memes, or who may just be interested in some clarification, here's a definition and a bit of explanation.

meme n. (mëm): A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. From the Greek mimëma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate. (definition from Booking Through Thursday)

Memes are a lot of fun to do; I enjoy visiting numerous book blogs and connecting with other book bloggers by way of a common theme.  I don't usually do the other type of meme,  a set of questions which you answer and then assign to others, but memes sometimes simply ask a question or two, such as Musing Mondays, or include a question, such as the Book Blogger Hop, which features a new question each week.  I find it interesting that many book bloggers, including myself, have favorite memes that we do on a regular basis.  My favorites at this point in time are Mailbox Monday, Really Random Tuesday, Wondrous Words Wednesday, and the Book Blogger Hop.  But I am branching out and trying new memes, and have recently discovered The Friday 56 and Weekend Cooking, both of which may also become favorites as well. 

Here's a list of some of the weekly memes that populate the book blogosphere. There's at least one meme for every day of the week.  For more information about any particular meme, click on the name of the meme (and then look for the most recent post for that meme).

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia from The Printed Page

For a few years, Mailbox Monday was on tour, hosted by a different blog each month.  I hosted this traveling meme in December of 2012.  The Mailbox Monday blog is now the permanent home for this meme, and has three administrators:

 Leslie from Under My Apple Tree
Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit
Vicki from I'd Rather Be at the Beach

Each week (on Tuesday or Wednesday), they will each share 2 books from that week’s Mailbox Monday in a Books That Caught Our Eye post

is now hosted by Kathryn from Book Date

 Bookmark Monday, hosted by Aloi from Guiltless Reading

Teaser Tuesday, hosted by Ambrosia from The Purple Booker

Really Random Tuesday, a meme of my own creation (now features a Mister Linky)

Button designed by Veens from Giving Reading a Chance,
a blog that's now called Our Ordinary Life

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Tuesday Intros, created by Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea, is now hosted by Vicki from I'd Rather Be at the Beach

 Announcing a brand new meme,  New Title Tuesday, created and hosted by Kat from The Bibliosmile, a YA book blog

Cat Thursday, hosted by Michelle from The True Book Addict

The Book Blogger Hop happens each Friday.  Created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books, it's now hosted by Billy B. from Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

Friday Finds, also hosted MizB from Books and a Beat

The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice

Aloha Friday, hosted by Kailana from An Island Life
I don't think she hosts this meme anymore.

Weekend Cooking, hosted by Beth Fish Reads

Quote It Saturday, hosted by Freda's Voice
 Freda no longer hosts this meme, but feel free to do it.

and a newer button

Saturday Snapshot, created by Alyce from At Home with Books,  
hosted by Melinda from West Metro Mommy Reads

Kid Konnection, hosted by Booking Mama
(This one's more of a feature than a meme.)

The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Books You Loved, a monthly meme hosted by Carole from Carole's Chatter

Month in Review, a monthly meme hosted by Kathyrn from Book Date.

First Lines Meme, hosted by Melanie from The Indextrious Reader
A once-a-year, end-of-year meme

This is only a partial list of memes--there are many more, and I may add to this list, and update it as needed.  Memes are an enjoyable way to be creative and connect with others, so feel free to "grab" any of the buttons for these terrific memes.  If you have a book-related meme to add to this list, or have moved your meme to another blog, please contact me by email.  Thank you!


  1. I love reading everyone's memes. I wish I could keep up with doing a daily meme to share.

  2. Thanks for featuring my memes! :)

    Feel free to grab the new buttons for each that will be available at! (especially for Tuesday and Friday -- since the ones you've got are so tiny & outdated! LOL). :P

    1. Thank you for stopping by! The new buttons are bright and beautiful, and enhance this page! :)

  3. The memes were great! We loved them all!funny dog pictures


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