I am well into The Catcher in the Rye. I'm getting to know Holden Caulfield fairly well, as he expresses his innermost thoughts, including his dislike of many people, although he adores his younger sister, Phoebe, who is ten years old. About her he says, "You never saw a little kid so pretty and smart in your whole life. She's really smart. I mean she's had all A's ever since she's started school. As a matter of fact, I'm the only one who's dumb in the whole family." He also thinks she's a wonderful dancer. His affection for his sister is touching. Although Holden is a self-proclaimed liar, his thoughts are true and honest, and his feelings are real and complex. This novel is an attempt to present the unfiltered, uncensored thoughts of a young man. (There is some crude language and profanity in the book, which led to having it censored in high schools initially. After that, and maybe because of that, everyone wanted to read it.) As a female, it's interesting to be "inside" of a male brain. Very interesting.
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