Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #67: Quotes about Books and Reading

The Reader by Fragonard, courtesy of Wikipedia

"The world was hers for the reading.”
 ~Betty Smith
"You could never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~C.S. Lewis
"Books are a uniquely portable magic."
~Stephen King
"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!  How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book!"
~Jane Austen
“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
~Jane Smiley
“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”
~Napoleon Bonaparte

“I have often reflected upon the new vistas that reading has opened to me; I knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life.  As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.”
~Malcolm X
“I am a part of everything that I have read.”
~Theodore Roosevelt
“Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.”
 ~Henry David Thoreau
“I am reading six books at once, the only way of reading; since, as you will agree, one book is only a single unaccompanied note, and to get the full sound, one needs ten others at the same time."
~Virginia Woolf
“When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.”
~Maya Angelou
“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms.”
~Angela Carter
“A good book is an event in my life.”
~Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)
“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries.”
~René Descartes
“I intend to put up with nothing that I can put down.”
~Edgar Allan Poe
“While we pay lip service to the virtues of reading, the truth is that there is still in our culture something that suspects those who read too much, whatever reading too much means, of being lazy, aimless dreamers, people who need to grow up and come outside to where real life is, who think themselves superior in their separateness.”
 ~Anna Quindlen
“I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.”
~Bill Gates
“Oh! It is absurd to have a hard-and-fast rule about what one should read and what one shouldn't.  More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn't read.”
~Oscar Wilde
“All I have learned, I learned from books.”
 ~Abraham Lincoln


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related matters you can think of.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, then add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page

I hope you've enjoyed these quotes about reading and books. Your comments are welcomed.  If you have a favorite quote about books or reading, please feel free to include it in your comment.  Thanks for reading!


  1. A really wonderful collection. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great idea for a post Suko. I was really struck by the Henry David Thoreau quote. I really understand it more and more as I get older.

  3. Quotes are among some of my favorite things along with reading, so needless to say, I loved your post today. I loved all the quotes about reading.

    My first blog was "Quotes and Things" I posted on it for years, I haven;t posted on it for months, maybe I need to update it. ; )

    1. Thank you, Gigi Ann. I haven't been posting book or reading quotes as often as I used to, so I decided to make a post of them.

  4. Such wonderful quotes, without a doubt I can relate to most of them though unlike Virginia Woolf I only ever have one book on the go at a time.

    1. Petty,sometimes I start two books at about the same time, but then one of them usually "wins". Thank you for stopping by!

  5. As I read through the quotes I tried to pick out which one I liked the most but they're all so good because in one way or another I can certainly relate.

    1. Thanks, Laura! There are many wonderful quotes about books and reading!

  6. All excellent quotes, and all so true. Where would we be without books!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment, Shounak, and for doing this meme. As you can see, I number these posts and have done quite a few!


  8. excellent, Suko. I enjoyed all the quotes, and especially feel vindicated knowing that Virginia Woolf felt it was just fine to read ten books at the same time!

  9. I love, love, love this quotes! It is wonderful to see how so many people have had the same love of books as we do through the ages.

  10. What a good idea to gather these beautiful quotes ! They are so true ! Thanks to you, Suko !

  11. Such a great idea for a RRT post Suko! I love bookish quotes :) Thanks for linking my giveaway on your sidebar.

  12. Very enjoyable post -- I have some of these quotes copied out into my commonplace book, and thanks for introducing me to others! I always love a good quote :)

    1. Thank you, Melwyk. Your commonplace book sounds wonderful.


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