Monday, December 2, 2013

Mailbox Monday: It Feels Like Christmas

It feels like Christmas!  When packages of books arrive in the mail, they bring Christmas to mind, year-round.  Recently I've won and received more than my fair share of books and other goodies, pictured above.  I won Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle on Kristin's blog, Always With a Book, Songs of Three Islands by Millicent Monk on Leslie's blog, Under My Apple Tree, and Paprika by Yasutaka Tsutsui on Bellezza's blog, Dolce Bellezza.  Additionally, I won a Buried Leads swag prize package from LynDee Walker on Yvonne's blog, Socrates' Book Reviews, which includes bookmarks, a wine glass charm, and Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark candy.

Created by Marcia from To Be Continued, Mailbox Monday is a wonderful, weekly meme that's been "on tour" for the past few years. December’s host is Gilion from Rose City Reader.  What new books have you recently added to your shelves?


  1. Congrats on all your fun wins, enjoy them and happy reading.

  2. Wow and CONGRATS on all your wins. How fun.

    ENJOY your books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    Another giveaway on my blog if you want stop by that post too.

  3. When those packages arrive it does feel like Christmas.

  4. Wow, it's definitely like Christmas! Lol. Enjoy.

  5. I can't think of a nicer person to win such lovely prizes! Congratulations on all your gifts, may they bring you much joy.

  6. Wow you've been lucky this week! Enjoy!

  7. You always receive some "new to me titles". I hope they are wonderful.

  8. Fantastic mailbox Suko! We have Queen's Gambit in common. Enjoy the books and the swag! Good for you :O)

  9. It definitely looks like you've been lucky lately! I've been wanting to read Queen's Gambit, and hope it's one you enjoy!

  10. Congratulations on your prize!

    Of course like myself, you may need to contemplate building additional rooms in your home to accommodate the additional books that you accumulate.

  11. Congratulations on all of your wins! Enjoy your week!

  12. You just have now to find the time to read all of them. perhaps difficult during this busy december ?

  13. Well done on all your winds. The arrival of all these packages must have felt like Christmas and your birthday come at once.

  14. All your winds? Grief! And for reason I'm not able to delete the comment and correct my mistake.

  15. Great haul! Thanks for posting on Mailbox Monday! Enjoy your books.

  16. I love books in the mail - it makes me smile :)


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Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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