Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday Snapshot: Art Books

Over the years, my collection of art books has grown.  Recently I decided to gather them and put them in this baker's rack turned bookcase.  Many of these books are gifts from family members--mostly from my mother, and mother-in-laws, and a handful are from friends.  I would love to set aside a leisurely, rainy weekend or two for looking through these beautiful books exclusively.

Here are a couple of close-up photos, which show the titles more clearly.

I probably have a few more around the house that I haven't discovered yet, and some space to add them to the bottom shelf.  To have open space in a bookshelf is a minor miracle in my home!

Do you have a special collection of books, and how do you shelve or display them?  Your comments are welcomed.


Many thanks to West Metro Mommy for hosting Saturday Snapshot!


  1. Beautiful collection of art books. I have a large collection of books, but I don't display them in any special way. They're shelved alphabetically by author.

    1. Sandra, that is an excellent way to shelve books. :)

  2. I was an art history major and understand your love of art books. I put some favorite garden books in a large woven basket made in Ghana. One of our neighbors is from Ghana and he sells the baskets in occasional yard sales.

    1. That sounds lovely! I keep some of The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency books in a basket! Thank you for stopping by, Terra!

  3. What fun to realize that you have a collection. Hope you find that rainy day to thumb through them. Here's Mine

  4. A lovely collection and a terrific nook for for them! I have two small built in-s in my living room. One is mostly books, including my Monet book, some scrapbooks, some books on local history, my husbands car books and my dog book collection. It's great to see your post. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is always a great pleasure to hear from you!

    1. You are so kind, Pat! It sounds as if you and your husband have some wonderful book collections. I have some terrific dog books, and a some cat books, that I cherish. I try to keep most of my collections together and semi-organized.

  5. What a lovely display of special books! My shelves too, seem to just be jam packed with books. I like the looks of a bit of space and a special bowl or vase or two.

    1. Yes, a vase or a plant enhances a book shelf! Thanks for your comment, Judy!

  6. The books are great, but what I really like is the baker's rack.

    1. Haha! Ginx, I am partial to one-of-a-kind baker's racks. I have a different one in my bedroom, that also holds books. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. :)

  7. I love the baker's rack. Your books look lovely - nice and orderly, too :)

  8. How wonderful that you have placed them altogether like this, I absolutely love your shelf.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! It is a nice way to showcase these special books.

  9. I love to look through art books and have a few on my shelf. The problem with that is I forget they're on the shelf. I think I need to rotate a few on the coffee table just as a reminder. Great idea to put them on a special bookcase/baker's rack :)

    1. Mary, I enjoy art greatly, and need to remind myself that I have a lot of entertainment "on hand". These books are very inspiring. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I love browsing art books. It looks like you have a lovely collection.

    1. They are wonderful books, Diane. Thanks for your visit!

  11. I love this idea of converting the bakers rack into a bookshelf. It looks great. I cleaned out my books a while ago and only kept my classics and my Harry Potter. I need to get a nice shelf eventually to display them. Hope you have a great week Susan.

    1. Thank you, Darlene. You could do something fun and "magical" with your HP books. Happy reading this week!

  12. Love how you've collected your favorites in one place. I have a very nice old desk with shelves on the side and that's where I put my favorites.

    1. Deb, that is a lovely way to shelve your favorites! Thank you for your visit. :)

  13. My wife is the book organizer in my house. She also has special places where she puts individual categories of books.

    Your little art book area looks great.

    1. Brian Joseph, I think I would get along well with your wife. Thank you for your comment.

  14. Thank you very much, Vicki! I love to decorate!

  15. Like your idea for placing your art books together. The only ones I place together are medical books, and cookbooks. The rest are helter-skelter in my reading corner.

    1. Gigi Ann, many (the majority) of my books are not too organized. Thank you for your visit!

  16. I love this! Your converted bookshelf and display are beautiful. I'll admit, my books are not displayed beautifully, but crammed and double stacked into bookshelves.

    1. Laura,
      It is hard to keep my overcrowded shelves neat! I was a bit surprised to find that I have room for more art books. I thought I had so many art books! Thank you for your kind words.

  17. Nice! I finally dedicated a bookshelf to my cookbooks and put it in the dining area -- where I would actually use it.

    1. Leslie,
      I have cookbooks gathered together in the kitchen in a shelf above the refrigerator (featured in my Cookbooks post:, if anyone wants to take a look). It's nice to gather or organize books when you have the space. Thank you for your comment. :)

  18. My shelves will never be so neat :D I don't have many art type books on mine either. I do have one or two of those adult colouring in books but that is about it. Love seeing others shelves!


    1. Thank you for stopping by, Lainy! I actually thought I had more art books (maybe I have a few more of them around the house). I am intrigued by the idea of coloring (or colouring) books for adults. :)

  19. you like Klimt! I was lucky enough to visit Vienna With my dad when I was 12 and saw all his paintings at the Kunsthistorisches Museum! My dad is an expert and explained me everything. I remember 'The Kiss' above all and how dad told me that Klimt tried to reply the ancient tecnich of the 'golden leaf' used for the first time in the early Bizantyne empire!

    1. Louisa, thank you for adding some Klimt knowledge to this informal discussion. Have a great week ahead!

  20. I love your display of books Susan! I like the vase and I see Frida. Books are both useful and decorative :)
    I have built in shelves in my computer room where most of my collection is but I also have a pair of iron cast bookcases in my bedroom. It's incredible how many books can accumulate so I donate some yearly.
    Happy weekend and happy reading!

    1. Naida, I did want to feature Frida in a prominent place. :) I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!


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